Welcome back.

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When we arrived, there were no place to park the car. The entire block had cars and trucks and my hands started shocking.

"Don't worry Clarissa. They are happy for you to be here and alive. If you calm down the voices will also do."- he said when we were at the door of my house.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

There were so many faces, music and laughs. That really seemed like a party. But I did noticed that people looked at me while I crossed the house to get to the kitchen.

"I will get the rest of the bags. You will be fine"- my dad said after giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I tried to concentrate on putting everything on the fridge and try to ignore the voices.

"Do you need a hand?" - a voice at my back said when I was trying to put the ice but it was too big and heavy.

I turned around and see a very tall guy and I needed to look up more than normal. His green eyes looked at me followed by a very big smile. I felt tiny and weak. My arms were burning because of the ice. I didn't realise until the felt and left red marks on them.

"Sorry. I..." - I was about to say I didn't know his name. But my brother arrived.
"Hey, Liam. She is my sister, also your neighbours. Well temporarily" - He said before answering a call.

"Hi and I'm sorry for the ice" I said trying to clean the mess.

"Don't worry, It seems I scared you and I didn't introduce my self. I leave on the corner. Just to houses apart" - he said then he gave me some towels and picked up the ice.

I tried to remember him but my head was empty. How could I forget him if he is so good looking.

"So you are enjoying your welcome party? I bet in England they don't have this amazing cheese." - he said pointing the 7 boxes of cheese.

"What? Am.. Yes they don't have that cheese. But I don't know why we have so many" - I said trying not to laugh and what am I saying? Of course they have good cheese. But he doesn't let me think straight.

"Well, I think now I will buy some of that cheese. The Australian cheese is not as good as here." He said closing the door after putting the ice on the fridge.

"Australia? That's why the accent" - and some other things I thought.
"Of course you noticed. Yes I'm from there. Actually I think I arrived at the same time as you. Few days ago. " he said like a knew it.

"Oh yes I think my brother told me something" - I said. He thinks I just arrived from England and he doesn't know this is a welcome from "death and black memories". Maybe  is better if he stays that way.

"Oh my god I can't believe it!" - A scream from the other side of the kitchen made me turn around.

A normal girl, with brown hair on a ponytail. The white and blue dress made her look thinner.
It was Samantha, my best friend. I'm glad I remember her, but sadly I'm sure I don't remember everything we did together. Apparently she didn't care I was with someone else because she ran the space we had between us and hug me.
"I'm sorry, I''m really sorry. Please don't hate me. Oh god! who cares if she hates me, she is alive" - her voice was in my head.
"Sam, I can't breathe" - I said, even if it was a little bit true. I don't want her to feel sorry.
And it worked, she gave me distance with tears.

"Oh I'm sorry is just that I needed to do it. It's been hell around here without you. And I'm relay sorry for not coming for brake fasts, but you know my grandpa still seek. Anyways I wanted you to know that.."- she said and I knew she was about to say something about the accident in front of Liam, so interrupted her.

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