Wide awake

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My eyes hurt because the intensity of the light. I tried to move my hand but something stopped me.
"Clarissa can you hear me?" - the voice of a man got inside my head.
When I finally get use to the light and open my eyes completely I see two grey eyes looking at me. He stands up and get his hand out of mine.
"Hello Clarissa, I'm Dr. Gibson. You are at the hospital, everything is fine. Don't worry". The guy shows me his perfect teeth and get his phone out his pocket and starts talking through it. "Fernando?" He waits for half a second and said - "yes. I have good news for you. Your daughter is awake." He finished his call and stares at me in silence.

I don't understand, how come I am at the hospital? I mean is not new for me to be at this kind of places. My sister is always sick. But me? I have never been sick, I don't even have blood exams and all that kind of things.
"Your parents will be here in less than 10 minutes" - I guess he noticed my confusion and tried to calm me down.

I look around and the room was actually big, the sofa was close to me.  I could here the sound of cars passing and dogs barking on the outside. Behind the grey eyes there were a good amount of flowers and little teddies.
"What happened?" I said after a while. My voice sound as if I smoked for 50 years, which by the record I don't because I hate it since always. The doctor seemed to ignore me or maybe he couldn't hear me.

He started checking me when a girl with a white dress and a funny hat got inside the room.
"Clarissa, I need you to help me" -  what does he mean? I don't even know what happened. Sorry doc but you are the intelligent here, not me  -" I'm going to ask you some questions and I need you to answer me if you can"  I nod and the nurse walked away and closed the door.

"Alright, can you tell me your complete name?" - is he kidding me? I just woke up Im not stupid.
" Yes, Clarissa Martinez" I said with my horrible voice.
" The name of the members of your family."
" Fernando, Sandra, Tom and Zoe." How could I not know their names? " Sorry but I don't get it? What happened? Why are you making me this kind of questions?" I said  a little bit confused.

"Clarissa, your parents asked me to wait until they are here to tell you what happened. Meanwhile I still need you to answer my questions, please." His grey eyes became a little bit darker. When he sit down on the chair next to me was clear that he will stay until I do so.
"Fine, but I also need my answers" I said trying to be tough.
He smiled and when he was about to start again with his questions the door opened.

My family was there, everyone smiled and cried. My little brother jumped into my bed and hug me so heard that my head started moving. "Thomas stop! You are hurting your sister."  He back off a little bit with tears in his eyes.
Everyone thank god  and my parents and the doctor phones started ringing. All of them went outside leaving me just with Zoe and Tom.

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