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After all I tried to get some sleep, but it didn't work. My mind was everywhere. It was 1:30 am and I couldn't find a way to stop thinking on what happened.

My phone showed a message from Liam.

"You said that you won't pressured me. But I want you to explain what happened with Joanna.
I met her at uni. We had friend in common and some classes together. She was an amazing girlfriend expect for her irrational insecurities that make her be jealous. We were so happy and sure of our future that she made me think that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. So I decided to move here with her.
I had the opportunity to as you already know to be part with the company.

Everything was just fine until one day I saw her with one of my friends. She came back to USA and I stood there. My happiness went down at the point I almost loose the house and the job of my dreams. After 7 months, the agency told me that if I didn't pay and come here they will put again on sale the house.

With all my forces I tried to think it was the best. So I moved to the other side of the world.

I still don't know how she got my phone number and my address. She begged me to come back. For me there is no way I will be through that again. I tried to block her from my life. But now you see how difficult she is."

I read all that and made me feel sad. I couldn't imagine him on a big depression because of that typical blond American girl.

"I'm sorry. I didn't imagine all that. Now I understand you couldn't stay with her on the same room. Thanks for explaining me." - that was the only thing I could reply.

A call came up and it was him.
"Yes." - I said covering with the blankets.
"I need to see you." - he said with a hoarse voice.
"Alright. Stay outside. I will open from the backside." - I said.

I took a jacket and my phone. Crossed the house and the yard. I got there and opened the door of the guest house. He was as I left him three hours ago. We entered and left all the lights off.

"What is it?" - I said.

The big windows let the light form the outside came inside of the games room.
He didn't say anything. He just grabbed my face with one hand and with the other one pulled me closer. We stood there for more than a minute seeing to each other.

"Liam. I'm sorry for what happened and if I left it was because of my mom." - I said.

He didn't answer. I closed my eyes and hugged him.

" I had an accident.." - I said to the air.

He tried to see me but he couldn't. If I was telling him. It was easier if I don't see his expressions.

"When? Are you alright?" - he said and I felt his body tensing.

"Yes. I'm fine. It was almost one month ago.
When you saw me I was coming back from the hospital not from UK. I did come back from there, but that was earlier.
My friends and I went for a trip. We were at the highway when a trailer lost the brakes. I don't remember much. They said I was on a deep sleep for two weeks or so. I lost part of my memory. That's why we have notes all around the house.

The whole time with the rest of the people I have to try to remember things, places and names. I feel useless sometimes. That's why I tend to disappear for days.
I can't tell you how relaxed and plane I feel with you and I wish I keep that memories for ever." - I said half explaining my situation.

As long as you rememberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang