Voices in my head.

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When I woke up it was just 6 pm and it was dinner time. So I just let my eyes get use to the light go the bathroom and wash my face.

The mirror reflects a girl with long brown hair. Brown eyes and pink cheeks. I blink and see my hand, it still has the purple veins that Tom asked me if it hurts. And I realise that actually we look very similar. "They are three copies" my grandma used to say to my mother.  But she wasn't quite right. My sister is much thinner in comparison to me I'm taller but not that slim. I'm the kind of person the big girls say I'm skinny but the skinny girls say I'm fatter. So who knows, maybe I'm in the middle of it.

The door sound and I listen "I wish I have this room, is much bigger".  So I turn around and see Tom laying on my bed.
"Hey, what did you say?" I asked Tom.
"Nothing." He looks at me in a suspicious way.
"No no, really. You said something about the room." I encourage him.
"Oh, sorry I didn't notice I said it out loud" he stands up of my bed.
"Tom, if you want me to move it's fine. I don't think I'm going to stay too long anyway." And he looked me with his brown and yellow eyes as if he wants to see if it's true or I'm just messing.

"Guuuys hurry up! Dinner is ready!" My mom yells from the end of the aisle.

So we both get out of the room, but just when we were going down stairs I heard "well, maybe she is right. If she asks me again I will say yes.". This time I didn't see his lips moving. What? Well maybe it was just me and my blurred ideas.

"Do you need help?" I ask my mom at the big brown kitchen. I see images of me and my mom doing cupcakes for Tom's 5th birthday. But I'm not sure if it happened or if it is just a dream. I really hope it was real.

"Yes please, get your sister and if you listen the doorbell open it." She says while she get the plates out.

"Doorbell? Are we expecting someone?" I ask confused.

"Yes, Harry is coming. As always" she says looking at the plates and counting them.
"Oh, sure. Where is Zoe?" I ask while I get the glasses out of the door with their name.
"I think she is at the backyard." She keeps getting things out of the cupboard.

I see on the wall of the stairs little notes with arrows that show the direction:
"Leaving room (left)", "pool and sports room (right and straight)" , "backyard (straight)".
So I walk through some doors and at the end of the aisle is a big panoramic glass door and I see her with someone else on something like a little lounge.

"Hey Zoe, dinner is ready." I say from the door.
She and the guy turn around to look at me.
"Oh Claris! Come." She says at the time she gets up.
So I get closer to them and I see the tall guy with a red cap and his white t-shirt and blue jeans. His eyes are blue and make contrast with his black hair.
"Claris, you remember Ben?" She looks at me with hope in her face.
"Yes, of course I do!" I say excited because I really do and I hug him because for me after a long time Zoe's boyfriend became part of the family.
"Thank god she remembers me. Poor Claris."  I heard his voice but as if it was in my head. I get some distance and see his face again and his voice continued without moving his lips "I bet it most be horrible to not know if  you remember."
Wait!? What? No, no this is impossible. He just...
"Clarissa! I told you to get Zoe, not to stay with her." My mom says at the door.
"Oh, sorry Mrs. We were just catching up." Ben says to defend us.
"Well, you can continue.." And the doorbell stop my mother.
"I get it mom." I said before she could move.

I have to be away from them. I need space and air to understand what is going on.

When I open the door a guy with cheesecake in one hand and a gift on the other hand smile at me. His eyes have wrinkles at the sides and his dark hair starts getting white. He must be 55 or so. He has a grey shirt with a black coat.  His Cartier watch call my attention when he says hi to me with one hand.

As long as you rememberHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin