Painful Rejection: Chapter 28

Start from the beginning

The voice was silent.

I took a deep breathe. "Finally silenced you. . .as for your offer to let me just die, I refuse. I didn’t survive all of this just to give up this easily and quietly slip away in my sleep."

"Suit yourself. This was your chance to escape the madness."

I sprang up in a cold sweat and rapidly looked around.

Once I confirmed I was in my room I let out a relieved breath.

Just a nightmare.

I looked down and let out a piercing scream when I saw a bloody mess lying on my legs. I could hardly tell it was a body. A horribly mangled bloody body that was torn in two at the waist and laying on its front so its face was concealed. I couldn’t even tell if it was female or male!

My door burst open and the darkness disappeared as did the body as the lights flicked on.

"Harmony are you ok?!" Kenzie asked.

I wanted to say yes but I couldn’t take my eyes from the spot the body had once lay.

This was your chance to escape the madness. . .

Was that my subconscious telling me the visions and hallucinations were about to get worse?!

A moment in the dark seems to be all that’s needed to trigger the hallucinations.

Kenzie sighed and crossed the room to sit on my bed. "Was it a hallucination?"

"God I hope so." I whispered.

She touched my shoulder. "We will beat this, Mony."

Painful Rejection  - Fate in Blood Trilogy: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now