Author's Note

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To everyone reading this, I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you for every vote, comment, message, every smile you might've cracked whilst reading this story, it means the world. I had no idea it would turn out like this, I somehow managed to get fifty-nine chapters out of "hey, wouldn't it be cool if Pete wrote Patrick a letter?". Thank you for sticking with this for so long ('cause holy hell is it long). The reason I've chosen to interrupt at this point, is that the next chapter of this story is also the last. 

For those of you who might be interested, I'm working on another fic at the moment, the first chapter of which should be uploaded in the next couple of weeks, once I figure out what the hell I'm doing with it. It's very very different to this one, so if you hated this, maybe you'll like it? I've also been thinking of writing some one-shots, 'cause they're a great cure for writer's block, but I'm not sure, so if you guys have any prompts or suggestions or anything you'd like to see in a fic, I'd be very grateful because I can never think of stuff. 

Anyway, thank you again, and I really hope you enjoy the ending. xx 

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