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[A/N: Apologies for lateness, but this chapter is rather important and I wanted to do it right. Plus it's very very long so sorry for that too. And guess what, it's even more angsty than the last chapter, yay!]


Yesterday was the worst day of my life. I've no doubt about that.


After the April Fools' prank, I drove home, in the low orange light, to go have amazing sex with Mikey. I was smiling the whole way. I was so proud of myself, to have humiliated you like that, it was like a dream come true. The horror in your eyes had seeped through my brain like a drug and made me buzz from the inside out.

A shower was definitely in order. I needed to get rid of the scent of you; you were all over me, your fingers still brushing my face, your collarbone still under my lips. The hot water helped burn you away.

I sat in nothing but a towel whilst I furiously scribbled down everything that'd happened, wanting to capture your shame in ink. I got black all over my hands because the water from my skin kept smudging the stupid pen. I enjoyed it all the same, though.

When I was finished, I tried to find something sexy to wear, but failed miserably, discovering that my clothes don't actually really fit me anymore. Everything's baggy, even my world-famous skinny jeans. So I just topped up my eyeliner and lay on the couch in my boxers, trying to look vaguely alluring.

Staring at the door, I begged it to open, because I couldn't stand it anymore. I needed Mikey to sweep through the door and make me love him. I needed him as proof that I was over you, to give you one last slap round your stupid face.

Because despite the shower, all I could think about was you. How your lips felt around me, how soft your cheeks were. How much I'd like to press my thumbs into your throat, to rip the blue eyes right out your head. I hate you.

"Hey, Pete," Mikey called, shutting the door behind him with a snap that pulled me from my reverie.

"Mikey!" I sat up, jumping at his voice.

He laughed at me, dumping his stuff down in the hall and kicking his shoes off. When he walked in, I made sure to take in every detail, his sharp eyebrows, angled jaw, straight white teeth. The way he stood with his weight shifted slightly to the left, with his hands slung in his belt loops. I told myself how beautiful he was. How much more beautiful than you.

"Are you okay?" He asked lightly, and I realised I'd been staring at him. But it wasn't like he hadn't been staring at me.

"Yeah, you?"

"Great," he shrugged. His gaze swept over my almost naked body, and I could see the lust in his eyes, clear as day. "Uh, so, do you wanna, like...you know..." He tailed off, raising an eyebrow at me.

I did, I really really did, but first, I needed to tell him something. "You won't believe the day I've had," I said, smirking just at the thought of it. Mikey was gonna laugh so goddamn hard.

"Why, what happened?" He asked, wandering over to the couch and flopping down beside me. I sat up more, practically bouncing in my seat.

"Okay, so you know how it's April 1st?"


"And you know how it's April Fools' Day?"

"Uh huh..."

"Well, I-"

"Oh God Pete, what did you do?" he sighed, lolling his head back but shooting me a grin. He knew my pranking habits better than anyone. Well, maybe everyone except you.

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