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[A/N: You thought the last chapter was mean and messed up? I'm just going to take this opportunity to sincerely apologise. I swear to god this thing is actually going somewhere.]

Dear Fatrick,

Today is April 1st.

Today I pulled the best prank I've ever pulled on anyone.

Today I cut your heart out of your chest and made you eat it.

I wasn't going to do any tricks this year. I thought, why bother? Last year's was so good, why try to top it? But I did. I fucking did.

You're in love with me. I've known that for a while. But you've never ever even come close to admitting it. Until today.

I was determined to get it out of you. I was set upon forcing you to spit out those words, because then you'd know what I'd been through. There's not many things that hurt more than telling someone you love them and not hearing it back. I wanted you to experience that first-hand.

So I thought about it. For ages, I just sat on my couch and thought about how the hell I could get you to say it. Of course, I could just ask you, but I wanted to make it painful. It had to be planned, I wanted to savour the look on your face as your world went up in flames. And in order to do that, I first had to convince you that I loved you, too. That was the only way you'd say it.

After a lot of discarded ideas, I settled on one which was probably the simplest, but also the most fun. For me, anyway.

But I needed to wait. It had to be done at just the right time, and in the right way. So I waited a couple months, 'till after the album dropped, because then you wouldn't be practically living in the studio any more. You'd used the music to block everything else out, but now, the music was done. You had nothing to hide behind, no excuses about working on the record or whatever.

Then, March came to a close, and I thought, what better date to do this than April Fools'? It was a prank, after all. And it was so perfect.


Unlike the last prank, I didn't need any special effects, no fake blood. This time, if there was gonna be blood, it was gonna be real.

So I just rocked up to your flat, late afternoon, so I knew you'd be awake, and knocked on the door. I used the few seconds before you opened it to try to get into character, curling my hands into fists and rubbing my eyes hard so they looked at least a bit red. It didn't have to be an Oscar-winning performance, because you'd probably believe anything I said. And you did.

I heard some shuffling around, then a loud bang and a groan. I tried not to laugh, biting on my lip in an attempt to regain my composure. The erratic footsteps got louder, until finally, the door opened, and you peeked out. You'd obviously only just got up; you were dressed but your hair was a mess and your glasses lopsided. You'd missed a button on your shirt and the cuffs were undone; hell, there were still pillow creases in your face. It took all the will in the world not to grin at you.

Your eyes widened at the sight of me. I hadn't been to your place in a very long time, had hardly spoken to you for two months, and now I was on your doorstep. I could see all the questions spinning through your mind, but you looked at my red eyes and my hunched shoulders and you knew something was wrong.

"What happened?" You asked gently, opening the door fully.

Wow. I was kinda expecting you to shout at me. You were at perfect liberty to; I'd spent the last year making your life a living hell. But all seemed forgotten as you beckoned me inside, placing a hand lightly on my shoulder. I felt a little tingle buzz across my skin, and told myself it was just because I was excited for the prank.

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