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[A/N: I'm so sorry for the delay, many things have been happening. Also, this was supposed to be two chapters but I didn't know where to split it, so have a HUGE COLOSSAL MONSTER CHAPTER.]

Dear Patrick,

Okay, so I've been known to have some pretty crazy birthday parties in the past. There was this one where I passed out and woke up on a train to Ohio. There was one where Joe got a vase smashed over his head and decided that three bottles of WKD was the treatment required. He still has the scar. Oh, and then the one where we got arrested, something about unlawful use of fork-lift trucks.

Anyway, so I'd definitely learnt my lesson. This year, I made it clear that I didn't want any surprise parties, obviously no alcohol, no big fuss. Just a quiet day, preferably with you.

That's not what I got. Oh god, Patrick.


It started out fine.

More than fine, actually, it started out perfectly. I woke up in your bed, with you laying next to me, your limbs flung everywhere and that angelic look on your face. You had on those pyjamas I love, you know the ones that are really soft and have little sheep all over them, and I felt myself grin. I'm so damn lucky.

I spent quite a while just staring at you, watching the way your chest moved slowly up and down, the way your hair fell over your face and fluttered in time with your soft breaths. I thought about getting up and making coffee or something, but I would've quite happily spent the whole day dozing with you, so I stayed put.

You'd obviously sensed me staring, or maybe your brain had decided that it wanted to see the actual morning for a change, 'cause you stirred a little bit, your eyes opening slowly, blinking a few times. You smiled when you saw me next to you, and I felt my heart lift.

"Morning, sleepy," I said, stroking your hand, outstretched in the space between us.

"Mhngg," you slurred, shutting your eyes again.

"No, don't go back to sleep," I insisted, giving you a poke, "it's my birthday!"

"Aww, shit," you groaned, rubbing at your eyes.

I frowned. "Hey, that's a good thing!"

You sat up a little bit, looking at me properly now. "No, you gotta leave."

"Why?" I said indignantly, pushing back the covers and hauling myself into a sitting position.

"Because," you yawned at me, "I need to do some stuff."

"Birthday stuff?"

"Wait and see."

I knew you meant yes. I tried to give you the polite oh, you really shouldn't have look, but I was way too excited for that, bouncing around in the covers and cuddling your arm tight. 

Anyway, you ended up quite literally kicking me out of bed, telling me you'd see me a bit later, around lunchtime. I made sure to give you the biggest and sloppiest kiss I could on my way out, and you couldn't even protest 'cause it was my birthday and you had to put up with me no matter how annoying I was.

I'm glad I kissed you that morning. I know now that I should've stayed. None of it would've happened if I'd have stayed.

I didn't know that, though, as I pranced out of your flat and off back to my own house.


I spent the morning answering phone calls from friends, and yes, I do actually have other friends now, and I even got some birthday cards. I lined them all up on the window sill next to my little tree, which is getting quite tall now, almost a foot or so. It's got a leaf and everything.

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