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[A/N: 2,000 reads is mind-boggling. Thank you so much, you guys are the best.]

Dear Patrick,

I think I might be falling in love with you.

I'm not sure yet. I've been cautious about this, didn't want to throw my heart at you like I did last time. But I can feel it. When I'm with you, I get this, like, feeling. I don't even know how to describe it, I guess it's as if my resting happiness level just lifts, and my head clears and my heart decides it's gotta do some parkour.

It's become more than a crush, too. I know you're beautiful, that's obvious, I've known that since I first met you. I know it every time you walk into a room, every time you smile, hell, even when you're just doing normal person things like laundry or washing up, I just find myself thinking, fuck, he's pretty. But, as I said, it's more than that now. It's rolling my eyes at your stupid jokes yet laughing all the same, it's giving you the last Dorito even when I want it so bad, it's looking at you and thinking, fuck, I wanna keep this one.

The new record is, slowly, coming together. It's actually fun, too, which I don't think any of us were expecting. I'm so glad we got Butch to produce it, 'cause finally there's someone who actually stands a chance at winning an argument against you. Watching you and him disagree is hilarious; he's this huge six-foot-two scary-looking dude, so it's like seeing a chihuahua yapping at a rottweiler. 

But after a lot of sulking, and a lot of crossed arms and stony glares, we're getting somewhere. We can actually play stuff now, we sound like a real legit band. And at the very mention of new songs, you were off, writing demos and recording bits and pieces, showing us stuff. You once turned up to my house at four in the fucking morning just to ask my opinion on a chord sequence.

It's been a few months since I wrote one of these, there's a lot going on. But we're still going strong, you and me. It's weird, I mean, it's you, so of course there's gonna be stuff that reminds me of how we were before, but it feels different. I don't need you anymore, but I want you. We fight more than we did before, but maybe that's just 'cause we both put up more of a fight.

We never used to. Unhappiness would go unsaid, smiles would be faked and kisses returned but not appreciated. Now, if one of us has a problem with something, we just say it, get annoyed, then get over it. Sometimes it's stupid things, like the fact that when you finish the toilet roll, you never fucking put a new one in, so the next time I go in there, I end up stranded on the toilet seat. Other times it's more serious, like when you accidentally slept for literally the whole day and we missed the film I wanted to see, or when I accidentally deleted a file with a load of your demos in. But we soon realise that they're just honest mistakes, and move on.

Last week was probably the worst fight we've had.

It didn't seem like it was gonna be, at first. But things got out of hand faster than we could control.


I was planning to go see you at some point that day, actually, just to hang out or whatever, but you got to me first.

You knocked, as usual, 'cause even though you have a key to my place, it's more of a best friend security system kind of thing than a romantic milestone, and we hadn't quite got to the walking-right-into-each-other's-houses stage yet. 

I should've known, though, by the way you didn't bang the door down, and instead tapped on it lightly, that something wasn't right.

"Hey Pete!" you exclaimed when I opened the door, and suddenly, there was a Patrick attached to my lips, your fingers winding in my hair and my hands instinctively grabbing your waist.

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