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[A/N: Apologies for a shameful amount of lateness. Hopefully it's worth the wait?]

To my cute little pint-sized fedora-topped smiley happy lovely boyfriend,

There is an itsy-bitsy tiny little microscopic chance that I might have a crush on you.

I've spent the last week in the middle of a brain-war over whether this is a good idea or not, but after Friday, the yes campaign took the upper hand and ran off with it, so there's really nothing I can do about this anymore.

Speaking of Friday, or writing of it, I guess, it was pretty fantastic. Well, mostly. Most of it was fantastic.

The good news is that I'm not the only one whose plans get fucked up.


I was so excited. Like, little kid on Christmas Eve excited. I cleaned my whole house, even right at the back of the cupboards where there were all these spiders who didn't really wanna move all that much, so I kinda had to clean round them, and even after that there were like two whole hours to go before you picked me up.

Choosing a suit took ages. I didn't really know what the hell we were gonna be doing, so I just decided to dress smart. You can't go wrong with a good suit. Turns out you'd thought exactly the same thing.

Although, good is an understatement.

You turned up at bang on seven o'clock, which was a miracle in itself, because you'd turn up late to your own funeral if you could, and I've never been so thrilled to hear a doorbell in my life. I flew from my nervous sofa-fidgeting and yanked the door open.

I knew it was you, you said you were gonna be here, I'd literally been looking forward to this for like four whole days, but I was still surprised to see you standing outside my door. Then again, you were enough to take anyone's breath away.

There was a smile brighter than the moon shining on your face; you had another fedora on, a grey one with a black band, to match the grey plaid suit you were wearing, a black tie fastened around your neck. It was so perfectly fitted, the sharp folds outlining your shoulders and chest and making me wish I was a cuff-link.

"Good evening," you smiled, tipping your hat.

"Wow," my mouth spilled before my brain could stop it. How does he get prettier every time?

You puffed a laugh through your nose and looked down at yourself as if to question my judgement. "Thank you, wow to you too."

Twenty seconds into this and I was already blushing. Brilliant. "T-thanks. Uh, so, shall we go now?"

"Well, unless you wanted to have dinner on your doorstep..." you sighed dramatically, looking up towards the sky.

"Alright, Mr. Sassy, where are we going?" I huffed, stepping out the door and pulling it shut behind me.

"Mr. Sassy is my stage name, please, call me Patrick."

"Shut up," I said, rolling my eyes, if only to force myself to take them off you. "I see you're still annoying, then?"

"Why thank you. You still agreed to go on a date with me, though," you smirked, jabbing a finger at me.

"God, I know. What have I got myself into?" I cried, throwing an arm over my face. It was an Oscar-worthy performance, trust me.

"Oh, be quiet, it's gonna be amazing," you scowled, grabbing my arm and tugging me towards your car.

I tried to hold your glare, but we both just ended up laughing. "So where're we going?" I asked, as you opened the passenger door for me.

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