I sat Phil down and wiped some of his tears away "it's okay Phil" I calmed him down. "here i'll help you" I unbuttoned Phils school shirt and took off my jumper, I squeezed it onto Phil and prayed that the teachers wouldn't notice he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath. I realised that today of all days I had worn a black bra meaning you could totally see it through the sheer white blouse. 

"Calvin, this Phil one of my best friends and Phil this is calvin, he's new here" I spoke after the tension had gone down, they shook hands awkwardly and smiled at each other. Finally, me and Phil were friends again, thank God. 


Dan's POV: 

I tried to close my eyes and relax, but I still couldn't do it. I even put in my headphones and listened to radiohead. It didn't work, I had to see her. I couldn't stop thinking about her since she left my house on saturday. I needed to be alone with her again. I opened up my curtains ready to go over, but I was forced to see her kissing that new kid 'melvin', or whatever his name was, on her bed. 

I was the only person she was allowed to kiss, she was mine and no one else's. I crawled over to her side and opened her window causing them to jump back in shock breaking their kiss. "what the fuck are you doing here Dan?" she groaned as I jumped fully inside her room. "I came here to get my tshirt back, you never gave it to me" I smirked, she stomped over to her cupboard and pulled out my grey tshirt and chucked it at me. 

"I should probably go" Calvin spoke making himself present, "stay" she told him making him sit back down. "Whats he doing here?" I scoffed giving him a dirty look "We're actually practising for Romeo and Juliet" She spoke shoving me back towards the window.  

"Hey guys" Phil greeted happily sitting down on my bed next to Calvin "Don't tell me you're having a threesome without me" I smirked at Emily causing a laugh from Calvin. "No Daniel, we're just gonna hang out, without you" She stated. "Well in that case you can't kid rid of me"I informed her tapping her nose. "Daaaannn" she moaned watching me lay down on her bed "yeah I like it went you moan my name baby" I joked "you know what, I give up" she surrendered sitting next to me. 

"I'll start the game!" Phil cheered putting mario kart into my wii u, he passed everyone a remote and the game started. 


emilys POV:

After a couple hours of intense gaming and Dan somehow getting beer we all found ourselves in a circle on the floor kind of drunk and laughing our heads off. "I'm gonna lay off the beer for a bit guys " I informed everyone making them smile. "Okay okay okay, serious question who would you rather kiss out of everyone here?" Phil asked taking another sip from his drink trying to hold back his laughter "well i've kissed everyone in this room, so I don't really care" I answered honestly. "Really?" they all asked in unison "Phil because he wanted kissing lessons, Calvin to practise for that play shit and Dan to shut him up" I explained "I will never shut up if that means you'll kiss me" Dan laughed. 

We all sat in a comfortable silence for a while, everyone sipped their drinks and I occasionally stole calvins bottle and took a sip from it "hey I saw that" he scolded taking the bottle from me and having a sip himself. I smiled and rested my head in the crook of his neck as he continued to sip his drink. 

"You didn't tell me you had just dance!" Phil cheered jumping up and slotting it in the disk inside "i'll go with you" Calvin said hopping up and joining Phil. They used the connect one meaning they both had to move their whole bodies, this was gonna be fun. They both 'danced' more like flailed around to some shitty ninties song making them really look like idiots. 

"I wanna go with Emily next" Dan smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me up "Can we do that song, I love it" I pointed out 'the sound' by the 1975. It was a good song to dance to and I loved it. 

We had to do these cheesy dance moves like what you'd do in primary schools, whenever they said 'sound of your heart' me and Dan had to touch each others chest which honestly made me really anxious, but I eventually got back into the dance routine. After the song had finished, it turns I had beaten Dan and I just had to rub it in "Ha! take that Howell!" I mocked him "shut up" he laughed picking me up earning a few squeals from me "put me down" I giggled and he dropped me down on my bed, but of course he didn't leave without tigiling the shit out of me "Dannn stop it" I breathed out whilst laughing at the same time "that's what you get winters" he warned me as I got out of grip and ran over to Phil happily. 

"don't your parents mind us being here so late?" Calvin asked me "business trip" I smiled "you lil shit" he laughed pinching my cheek. 

I wished I could have more moments like these where everyone was kind of drunk and at ease with my friends, even Dan. He wasn't that bad, honestly I was kind of warming up to him.

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