Chapter Forty: Outwitted by Humans and a Zert!!

Start from the beginning

"He is ugly," Lenny says in my head which makes me laugh out loud which makes Rem even angry.

"You got the Forelock!" he shouts in anger.

"I do. You made a big mistake taking him from me. He isn't just an alien. He is a close friend of mine now and you taking him off me was a big mistake. We don't want to hurt anyone. We just can't let what you're doing continue," I tell him.

"What are you going to do Luke Smith? I mean you can't exactly go crying to your mummy can you," he smirks right at me.

I glare at him, "What?" I ask.

"You heard me. Sarah Jane Smith...what a tragic death. You wasn't around when it happened was you? That must of hurt a lot. Not even a goodbye," he laughs.

"Shut up! You don't know anything," I say to him.

"I know enough about you Luke. I know who you care most about. I have had to deal with some pretty difficult humans or aliens in the past. What I do isn't always what people like or think is right. I deal with them. You will be no different," he tells me.

"That is when you are wrong. You have already lost," I say to him.

"I have lost nothing Luke Smith. You are the only one that has lost anything and soon you will lose a lot more!" he shouts before he pulls something from behind his back. I see a flash of light blinding me.

I stumble as my eyes seem to fail to work for a few moments but I already knew something to be very wrong.

I feel myself already go limp and a swarm of sickness hitting me almost like that time I had been infected by the Rakweed. Not again!

"Sweet dreams, Luke. Soon the fun will really be upon us..."

Paul's POV

Something has gone terribly wrong. This was not suppose to happen! When did this Rem get a chance to figure out my codes to all my devices. How did he hack into Mr Smith? When did he do all this? Right under my nose?

I can only blame myself for being so stupid! Now he knows everything about Luke. Now he has the watch too. Nothing stopping Rem but going back in time with a unconscious Luke destroying everything or messing up the time line completely.

Its lucky I always carry a spare watch needs a recharge. I have to hope one of these computers have enough power to charge it.

"Paul! What is going on!" Sanjay demands.

I turn to him looking at the screen of Jay laying on the ground out cold and Rem and Luke completely gone. "I'm so sorry, Sanjay. He out did us all," I say to him.

"What? How? I thought Luke's plan had been so good," he says.

"It was. It is. Oh its not Luke's part of the plan that failed. I should of checked my devices, his systems and Mr Smith. I should of known Rem could of thought ahead. He has been avoiding aliens and humans alike for years. We are no different. I have been stupid..."

"It sounds like we all have. Thinking we could take him on so easy. Thinking it be a walk in the park and now Luke has suffered again. How we going to get him back? What is Rem going to do?"

"Rem has the control of time. He could do anything he likes," I tell him.

"I thought your watch can only go foreword or back in time for not very long. You said short distances doesn't that mean not too much forward or back?"

"I may have lied," I tell him the truth.

"You are unbelievable. Just as I began to think you were cool," Sanjay says glaring at me.

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