A Human Experience

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Learning to walk took Dipper about two hours. They were painstaking, humiliating, and pretty painful thanks to his lack of grace—but they were more than worth it. Once the two hours were up, Dipper felt comfortable walking on his own without any shoulder support whatsoever.

After he convinced Bill that he could walk on his own, the three males left Will's bed chambers. Will had been quiet during Dipper's walking lessons, only interacting when Bill asked him to lend a hand in supporting the prince. His demeanor had changed a bit from the time Dipper had spent with him; clearly, having witnessed how pathetic Dipper was had made Will feel a bit safer. Bill's twin wasn't as jumpy as before, but the bluenette still lingered a few steps behind Dipper and Bill as they walked away.

Dipper shifted his focus from Will to examining the interior of the Cipher S.S. He had never been on the bottom floor before. One thing the siren noted was that the ship was much bigger than it looked to be from the outside, almost as if magic was involved.

They passed down a hallway lined with several wooden doors.

One had a small wooden sign, pinned to the door with dozens of rusty and crooked nails. It was heavily damaged, littered with chips and stains, with words crudely carved into the material. Dipper squinted and barely managed to read the plate, trying to refrain from slowing down Bill's pace.

'Pirate Booty Inside.'

The boy rolled his eyes. Now that's real mature. I can think of at least four humans on this ship who would've done this.

Still, he couldn't help but chuckle quietly to himself. There were more words painted underneath the sign in large, red lettering. It read 'Girls Only!' He concluded that the door must lead to some sort of lounge shared by the girls of the Cipher Crew, or perhaps a shared sleeping area.

The other doors had signs that were scratched out as well, and Dipper felt daring enough to read a few of them. Bill didn't seem to care about him reading the signs, which helped his confidence; any information was good information, so Dipper told himself to remember everything he laid eyes on.

'Thompson ate a fish alive to get an extra serving of pudding'

Dipper cringed at the picture which forced its way into his mind. He pitied the poor fish who had to suffer from Thompson's gullet. On the next door there was:

'Sex is overrated! Pray to Jesus instead!'

And then directly underneath:

'fuck you im an athiest'

At that, the prince full on laughed. Bill stopped abruptly at the sound, turning back. His eyes tracked Dipper's, landing on the graffiti dotting the doors.

"Ah." He made a noise of understanding, a knowing gleam in his eyes. "They're funny aren't they? Reminds me of a public highschool bathroom." The pirate captain laughed a bit, and then added, "Though I never actually attended highschool."

Dipper raised an eyebrow in confusion, a bit intrigued.

"So you just let this stuff happen?" The brunette gestured to the writing all around them. "Don't you guys have rules here? I mean... What about keeping order?" The captain seemed incredibly amused at his inquiry, which irked the prince considerably.

"Um, its called having fun." The blonde stated with a tilt of his head, as if saying something which should have been obvious. It wasn't—at least to Dipper. "This kinda stuff isn't hurting anybody. It's just for laughs. In fact, I encourage behavior like this." Dipper gaped at the blonde incredulously. "We do have rules here, to keep things running. But it's equally as important to bond as a community. And if dumb shit like this does the job," Bill slid a hand across the wall smoothly, almost a caress. "then it's just another stepping stone to us getting stronger."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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