Lucid Dreams

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*stuffs gummy worm in mouth*
Hey!! How are ya?! Excited for the Cipher Hunt, cause I know I am!! I can't wait until they find the statue. Also, I got the Gravity Falls journal, and read through the whole thing. I now know Dipper's real name, but I can't say I'm happy with it. :/ I'm going to pretend it's Able, okay guys?? Also, don't spoil the name to people that don't know it! Sneaky rascals. SOOOOO uhhmmm yeahhhh
              STILL DIPPER BRO

"Hey, if it isn't our favorite little mermaid boy!"

An arm wrapped around Dipper's shoulders, and the prince immediately heaved a sigh, recognizing the voice at once.

These twins are going to be the end of me, I'm sure. He thought bitterly, albeit he was a little curious as to what they had to say.

"Siren." He corrected the red headed pirate, Ava. Erin grinned mischievously, coming closer to him. She whispered in his ear,

"So, did you confess to Captain yet or what?" Dipper's cheeks took on a bright red and he hastily moved to slap her with his tail, but the girl easily dodged him and both twins howled with laughter. Dipper didn't find it funny at all.

"Shut up!" Dipper whispered harshly, glaring in exasperation. "You said you would keep it a secret!" Once the sisters calmed down, Ava spoke up.

"We did say that, and we were telling the truth, Dip-Dip." Dipper repressed the urge to splash her upon hearing yet another useless nickname. "But we didn't say we wouldn't tease you 'bout it!" 

Dipper opened his mouth to argue, but closed it. This was a useless argument. Everything he said went in one ear and flew out the other. These girls were stubborn, and if they were adamant on pestering him about his personal feelings, he was powerless to change it.

"Well, whatever. What I feel doesn't matter because I'm not human." he quickly backtracked, "But—obviously—I don't care about that, because I'm just dandy with my tail and my gills!" Before they could answer, he went on. "And it's not like I wish I was human just so I could have a chance, that's stupid! In fact, if I was human I'd probably drop kick him off this boat, rather than... I don't know, sit with him and watch a sunrise. I don't want to do that." He trailed off, blushing, because once again he had ran his mouth and given away too much information.

Dipper winced and prepared for condescending laughter, but none came.

Erin and Ava looked surprised, and they shared another look. For once they seemed to have nothing to say.

Dipper scoffed and turned away, crossing his arms over his chest for the sole purpose of keeping them from creeping up to cover his face from the embarrassment. "Never mind. Just leave me alone!" He didn't look back until he heard the staccato of high heeled boots on the deck fading away. Dipper sunk deeper into the water, his eyebrows furrowed and his heart aching.

Once the two girls were out of his earshot, they huddled close and began whispering in hushed voices.

"Did you expect that?"


"Me neither. I was just joking at first, but seems like he is actually going through it."

"Wonder how that'll turn out. Honestly, I feel kinda bad for him. Captain doesn't fall in love real easy, ever since...." Erin trailed off. She cast a sympathetic glance at the sulking siren.

"Yeah," Ava agreed. "he doesn't have much of a chance."

Their frowns quickly flipped upwards as a thought entered both of their minds at once. It was as if a lightbulb went off above their heads.

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