Meet The Crew!

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HEY GUYS!!! So, It had come to my attention that you like this story.
I absolutely LOVE writing- and the reason I started an account on Wattpad was to share that with people. Never in my life would I ever expect for people to read them, nevertheless LIKE them!!
Thank you!!
It was a long and harrowing night of thinking.

Dipper dreamt about his family; in his head he pictured the smiles of Mable, Tyler, Wendy, and Soos. Hell, he even thought of Stan and Pacifica, who he wasn't usually on good terms with.

He missed them all. It had only been a day, but because Dipper was uncertain of how long he would be kept on the ship, his homesickness felt intensified. He missed having his hair float effortlessly around his head, rather than weigh it down like a sopping mess of seaweed. The prince thought longingly of sneaking off with Wendy and Mable to play in whirlpools, or to play hide and seek in the rainbow coral reef. Even if not every part of his life under the sea was sunshine and rainbows—very little was, in fact—his friends were more than enough to keep him going.

Dipper had a creeping fear that he would be trapped with these pirates for the next several weeks.

Or even longer...  Dipper shivered at that thought.

He turned so that his back was to Bill's bed, where the captain was peacefully sleeping.

If I survive that long, anyhow. He thought bitterly.

From his eyes grew tears that clouded his vision and dissolved into the water around him like snow.

He had to escape, but how could he?

Dipper lay motionless in the tank. He wiped his eyes, trying to erase any evidence of crying. The last thing he needed was for Bill to see him in an even weaker state.

He was unaware of a creaking sound of wood, for he was too busy pondering an escape plan. Dipper thought hard until he was halted abruptly by a shadow which smothered the wall in front of him.

"Boo." Bill's voice cut through the silence.

Dipper screamed and lashed out purely from instinct, involuntarily jerking his tail. The prince felt his tailfin make direct contact with Bill's face, additionally sending a wave of water over the captain.

Bill was knocked to the wooden ground with a loud thud, landing flat on his ass. He stared in shock at Dipper, who stared with the exact same expression.

Dipper inched backwards and into the corner of the tank in fear.

That's it! He was doomed! Goodbye, cruel world!

The prince had just slapped Bill Cipher across the face—leaving a distinct red mark on the blonde's cheek in the shape of a fin.

The horror Dipper felt was even worse than when he had faced off with the colossal squid earlier.

Bill made a small noise, sounding like a grunt. Dipper's eyes nearly fell out of his head from how wide they were—but his terror quickly melded into confusion.

Was this insane guy laughing?!

Bill had placed a hand onto his most-certainly-throbbing cheek, and then burst into laughter.

Dipper stared at him dumbly, waiting for some kind of backlash. He wasn't sure how to respond.

"You just... looked so startled..." Bill wheezed. Dipper's mouth stayed in a thin line. "I've never met anyone so on edge that they hit me out of surprise!"

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