The Risks Of Happiness

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So, if you're keepin up to date on the Cipher Hunt, recently the hunters finished the Bill puzzle, and as promised, Alex said he would release UNSEEN footage of Pilot Gravity Falls!!! I'm definitely gonna watch it when he puts it online!
Edit: OMG THEY FOUND THE STATUE OF BILL! CONGRATULATIONS WHOEVER IT WAS! I wish I lived near Oregon :/ I would totally shake his hand. An apocalypse seems to be a good way to spend the school year ;)
Oh and sorry for leaving y'all on a cliff hanger last chapter.... It's just really amusing. It's my sick way of enjoying the last grains of summer before they slip out of my hands!

That... can't be right.

How is this bottle here?! I thought everything just now was just a dream! There's no way an object can be transported from a dream to reality... That's absolutely impossible! I've never heard of such a thing!

And yet—here the jar was, shining in the sunlight, Dipper's hand gripping it tightly. It seemed smug, in the way that pretty objects usually were. He rubbed his thumb over the smooth glass, just to double check that what he was seeing was real.

He shook his head in disbelief, absorbed in his head. He completely forgot that Rose was still standing right in front of him. Her eyes were locked onto the strange bottle in Dipper's hands. 

"...Hey, what's that?" Rose asked, reaching for the object. Dipper panicked and jerked his hand away from hers before she could make contact. The girl looked at him in shock. He mirrored her surprise. "Calm down mate, I was just curious." She sounded the slightest bit offended, and Dipper winced. He felt anxious, and extremely protective of the bottle. His bottle. 

"I..." he cleared his throat, meeting her eyes and praying that he could convince her to forget it. "Sorry, but it's really nothing. Just... something from home to remember my family by.. It's very dear to me, so..." The pirate didn't seem like she bought his lie. In fact, his words might have made the situation even worse; now Rose looked at him with suspicion rather than curiosity. 

He didn't want anyone else holding these pills. If they really worked, they were way too valuable to give away. These were absolutely precious to him. He curled his body around it protectively, like a mother protecting her eggs--animalistic, in that way. 

"Can I see it for just a sec?" She moved for the jar again, but Dipper only held it closer to his chest, shriveling away from her. The girl sighed, frowning, and said, "Please, give it 'ere."

"No, it's important to me!" Dipper tried.

"Important enough to hide from me? You're only makin' yourself more suspicious. I promise I'll give it right back, and I'll be careful!" Rose exclaimed, incredulous. Dipper grit his teeth, his mind racing for a possible solution. How could he get out of this?

Before Dipper had enough time to form a plan, Rose's fingers were on the bottle. She tugged it towards herself and Dipper gasped, immediately yanking it back.

"Quit it! There are supposed to be no secrets on deck!" Rose said, grimacing.

"You quit it! Let go!" Dipper snapped back.

The pills were stuck between the two of them, as if they were two children fighting over a toy, until Rose's grip lessened slightly, and her fingers slipped. Lunging forward, the girl snatched at the jar again to reclaim it, her fingers just barely grazing the top—but it was enough.

Time slowed down. Dipper watched with horror as the lid of the jar popped off with a tiny click. The sound was so clear—all of the prince's attention was focused on it—it seemed to enter his ears and ricochet around in his mind, blocking out every other sound.

Half of the pellets were sent flying into the air, and Dipper and Rose both stared in surprise as they scattered across the wood like droplets of rain. It only took a second for Dipper to snap back to reality.

"NO!" Dipper fell forward desperately and attempted to scoop up as many pills as he possibly could. Rose beat him to the bottle itself.

"Ha! I got it!" She held the glass container up triumphantly, looking pleased with her self, and Rose turned to Dipper. "Now, just why would you..." She trailed off, noticing Dipper's aura. It had changed completely.

Pupils that were once a sapphire now glowed a royal blue, the black of his eyes narrowed to slits. He looked furious, and Rose couldn't suppress a shiver of unease.

"Give that back!" Dipper spat, his voice harsh and his eyes cold. Very quickly, his expression grew soft, as if the hard shell had melted away and the old Dipper was back in front of her. "Please..."

Rose frowned, thoroughly confused.

"I'm sorry, I'm just tryna understand." The girl said quietly, meek.

Dipper didn't respond. He let his gaze fall, landing on one of the pills which had fallen into his bucket. It was a tiny dot of color against a background of wood and translucent water.

This was his last chance to take a new road in his life. His last chance of finding love and excitement. He was so close.

"Since when did I become so desperate?"

Dipper had asked himself that same question once before. He still had no answer.

The siren felt his breathing slow. He glanced at Rose once before lunging for the lone pill. Dipper snatched the small sphere up like an animal pouncing on its prey, before she could even speak.

Everything depended on this moment. Dipper felt it in the center of his bones.

There was no telling that what Missy had said in his dream was true. For all he knew, these pills could be poisonous. A trick. In fact, it was so incredibly stupid and foolish to attempt this. Would it really change anything at all?

As he second guessed himself, a new thought ran through his head.

What did he have to loose?

Praying that he wasn't about to make the biggest mistake of his life, Dipper sat up straighter and popped the pill into his mouth.

Rose gaped at him, still holding the half-full glass bottle.

He would take the risk if it meant getting at least one chance at love. It was one chance at a better life.

With his firm resolution blocking out any more doubts, Dipper swallowed.
Sorry for this one being super super short! I just thought that if I included this in the next chapter it would be too long :)

Me: *sees someone running towards me* OH NO NOT YOU AGAIN!


love you guys!!! Please comment on what you think'll happen next! ALSO VOTE CAUSE IT MAKES ME HAPPYYYYY *swings on swing*
*backflips off into portal*

Human - Siren Falls AU (Under Construction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz