"Captain, we got one!"

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(I am not the amazing artist who drew this picture^^^)

((((( THIS IS A RE-UPLOAD OF A VERY OLD STORY OF MINE. WELCOME BACK TO THOSE THAT REMEMBER. )))) ALSO THIS IS VERY SLOPPY AND ONLY HERE FOR NOSTALGIA'S SAKE, ITS ALL CURRENTLY UNDER REVISION SO EXPECT SEVERAL CHANGES. To all the fans who loved this book, all the people who supported me, I'm so so thankful for you. I never should have disrespected you all by just unpublishing all my work, it was selflish. I hope you're not still upset about it. Anyways, I sincerely hope you enjoy the story if you are here once again or if you are new!)

Endless blue seas sparkling from sunshine. Water which is never relenting, never biased, and always in motion.

What a privilege—to be able to travel this domain every single waking day. Below the wood of the pirate ship lived millions of fish and plants, thousands and thousands of common species. Things which were beautiful, certainly, and documented by humankind.

Still, Bill preferred to search for things which were not so easy to find. The mysteries which were spoken about in hushed voices and met with disbelieving tones.

He sought mythical creatures. They definitely existed—somewhere, far below the ocean's surface. Bill Cipher knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that an entire civilization of creatures lay in the shadows of legends; a kingdom inhabited by an elusive race of mermaids and mermen, known as sirens.

Half mammal, half aquatic sentient beings, with intelligence to rival that of a human.

Sirens were born with a wide variety of special abilities—one of which was their enchanting beauty. Every few years, stories of sailors that had been lured to the front of death's door by a sickly sweet melody floated around. A voice drifting from the ocean itself, or a beautiful enchantress calling out for a sailor by his full name. Strange tales, and stranger disappearances.

Most people passed the stories off as myth.

Bill did as well, until at an early age long ago, the young boy encountered a siren at a trash-filled seashore. It was purely by mistake.

He was instantly spellbound with a ravenous curiosity to know more. 

From that moment began a passionate hunt that lasted for many years following. That same Bill Cipher, along with his trusty handpicked crew, swept across the oceans. They never stopped to rest in the same village twice. They never stopped long enough to let doubt settle in. They only kept moving forward.

The crew adored their captain and trusted his judgement. Bill's personal ambitions were what guided the pirate ship, and the crew were what gave the vessel power. In other words, Bill was the steering wheel, his crew the wind behind the sails.

As they sailed, their plunders and feats began to gain attention from the world. Soon, almost everyone knew the name Cipher. They were feared because they were powerful, and they were awed because they were impenetrable.

Bill didn't particularly care about the fame. His main objective had never changed over the years. Even if the crew could only guess as to what their unpredictable Captain wanted with a siren, they knew that by following Bill, their lives were bound to be packed with fun and adventure. That was all one needed to live a fulfilling life anyways.

"Raise the sails!" A tall, dazzling man shouted, throwing a captain's hat over his golden locks.

"Raising those sails!" A deep voice echoed a reply.

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