Where Are Your Fins?

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"Captain, come quick!" Bill was out on the deck before Lee had even finished his sentence.

"Are you sure it's...?" The captain asked, watching with barely contained eagerness as the fishing net was hauled up onto the deck. It dangled a few feet over the floor, giving Bill and the creature inside a perfect eye-to-eye level.

"A siren...." He breathed out. "A real siren." The supernatural creature thrashed in the net, trying to avoid all the piercing gazes.

"It's cute." Someone whispered.  The siren was glaring at them.

Bill ignored his hostility and instead studied his features. He had a beautiful blue tail that seemed to have a life of its own, twitching. The siren's face sported chocolate locks and big, innocent eyes, which glittered with the beginnings of tears. His eyes were a soft, yet bright blue. His nose was a little red, but it looked more hereditary than due to any sinuses.

The siren looked inhumanly beautiful—which made sense, since he wasn't human.

Pale, unblemished skin melted into soft lips and round cheeks. Thin arms sprouted from a small but sturdy set of shoulders. The siren's physique made him seem only a little younger than Bill's own age.

Suddenly there was a loud snap. Bill blinked in confusion, glancing up towards the cause of the sound. The net was slightly frayed towards the top. Bill assumed that was the sirens doing.

The confinement's were beginning to break under the weight of the creature.

The captain wasn't quick enough to decide between dodging out of the way or catching the siren. The top of the net finally pulled apart completely and collapsed, releasing the creature to drop right below—just where Bill had been standing.

Usually, Bill would have easily been able to dodge it. But his mind was clouded with too many thoughts, too many ideas, and he was too slow to avoid the siren's body's as it knocked him to the floor.

The siren boy lay sprawled over Bill's body, both of them blanketed by the net. Blue eyes opened to peer into Bill's face, the pirate peering back with his single eye just as wide.

Everything was quiet for a few moments. Past the obvious fear and panic, there was curiosity in the siren's eyes. A strange sort of desire. Bill was almost trapped in the moment, but he blinked his own curiosity away to focus on more important things.

The blonde huffed and let his head fall back onto the wood with a resounding thud.

"Well, that's gonna leave a bruise." Bill's back ached due to the force of the fall. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the siren's brightly colored tail, rearing up behind the boy like an umbrella.

The light from the lanterns allowed everyone to see the creature more clearly now that he wasn't caught up in a net. Bill marveled at the way his sapphire scales shimmered in the moonlight, like tiny glittery stars. Golden eyes were soon met with blue ones peering back at him shyly. Once again there was a strange moment of connection, an invisible spark as their eyes locked.

"...It's true. No fins." The siren whispered so quietly the other almost didn't hear it. His eyes were searching Bill's face with confusion.

Bill only returned the stare, lost inside his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something back, but the siren's face quickly contorted. The brunette's pupils were wide with recognition.

Human - Siren Falls AU (Under Construction)Where stories live. Discover now