Boarding? Easy. Escaping? Not so much.

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Hey guys! I know I haven't updated this in FOREVER! I'm so sorry!  so THIS IS FOR YOU AWESOME PEOPLE OUT THERE!!

It was nighttime. Dipper knew this because sunlight had stopped slipping in form the cracks in the doorway. There the siren sat on the floor of the tank, blankly staring at the necklace Bill had given him.

He still hadn't removed it.

He didn't know why, but every time he looked at the pendant, Dipper felt a little strange.

It was the feeling he felt when he was proud of something—except, what was there to be proud of? This wasn't a medal. He didn't earn it by doing anything spectacular. He had only gotten it hours before, when the captain of the ship got all up in his personal space and secretly slipped it around his neck.

What was the cause of these feelings, then? Dipper shut his eyes and ransacked his mind to find a logical answer.

Suddenly—the image of Bill, outlined with sunshine and standing over him with a stupidly-happy grin—barged into Dipper's mind. A small sense of endearment fought its way up into his mind.

The siren's heart lurched in shock. Why wasn't there just cold, bitter hatred anymore? Since when did he not absolutely despise that smile?

Dipper put a hand over his chest. His heart was beating so fast. The brunette took deep breaths, trying to steady himself and calm his breathing; willing his face to cool down.

Then he decided.

He had to get off this boat. He had to get back to his family, and then he could pretend that none of this ever happened.

He knew he should pretend these—these forbidden feelings didn't exist. That he wasn't starting to crush on the most hated pirate in—probably the whole world.

Dipper began chewing on his lip, a bad habit he'd had since childhood. Mabel usually was there to call attention to it and get her twin to stop, but she wasn't here right now.

Dipper knew what had to be done, even more so than before. He needed to leave. It was for the best. Before the bud had any chance to flower, he had to snuff it out by blocking all sunlight. The only way to spare himself the trouble was to suffocate his newfound feelings until they were dead.

Ever since he'd gotten over Wendy, the prince had desperately wanted to feel love again. To have his heart speed up, and his mouth twitch in nervous smiles, and to experience that special kind of euphoria. But— not like this. Not for Bill Cipher.

Dipper glanced at Bill's bed. The pirate was still sound asleep.

Good. Dipper thought, his everything sent into a frenzy from the anxiety and adrenaline. Time for me to make an escape. It's now or never.

The siren hauled himself up to the edge of the glass tank. His hands gripped the glass so hard, his wrists trembled from the effort. He pulled himself to the top, resting his stomach on the ledge. Now how would he get down without making noise?

Dipper worriedly glanced back to Bill's sleeping form. How would he open the heavy wooden door? If he was caught, how much worse would things get? Second guesses and doubts started to gnaw through his resolution, before he grit his teeth and shook his head vigorously. No more hesitation.

Dipper slipped from the tank not-so-gracefully, landing onto the ground with a very loud thud. He froze, heart freezing in fear, and checked to make sure Bill was still asleep.

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