American Student!Crush X Filipino! Exchange Student!Reader ≡ Don't leave

Start from the beginning

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~ A few years later ~

(I know. It escalated quickly e.e)

"Woooh! It feels like... I don't know. But I'm like, turned on right now." (Crush's name) grinned,

"Ew. That's seriously disgusting."

"I'm just joking, (First name). You're so sungeet." He pouted.



"Dude, I think you'd better stop talking my native tongue. Give up, and move on. You'll never learn it." You smirked, not bothering if it's rude.

"Damn. I hate you so much."

"Thanks," You replied.

"I'll definitely not gonna give you some graduation gift." He huffed,

"Good. 'Cuz I don't need any,"

"Why are you so rude?"

"Because... I'm born like this?"

"You suck, (First name)." He whined, trying to make you smile. But failed miserably.

"At least I'm not dirty," You grinned, and you know exactly what that meany.

"S-Shut it, (Last name)." He blushed.

✖ ❤ ❤ ❤ ✖

It was Graduation, and being the smarty you are, you've been the Valedictorian as usual, although you didn't want all these to end but it's suppose to. So you have no choice.

After delivering your speech to your batch mates, you couldn't help but smile to them,

"And... Thanks everyone. For being my batch mates and friends." As soon as you stopped, everyone clapped their hands and cheered.


"Hey, (First name). How's the speech?" (Crush's name) asked.

"Cool. Anyways I'm off." You waved,

"Huh? Why? The party haven't started yet. And where are you going?" He squinted his eyes.

"To my home country. Why?" You lifted a brow at him.

What surprised you is that his expression. Is he mad at me?

"Damn it, (First name)! You got the guts to leave after every things done?! You said we'll be best friends forever. And now you're doing this?! " He complained

"Huh? I can't believe you believed that 'bff forever' crap." You frowned,

"Heck yeah I do!"

"And it's not like we're breaking up or somethin'. Wait, it's not even us so..." You muttered, still confused.

"The hell are you mumbling for?! I don't want to see your fucking face again, (First name). You disgust me." He barked.

"Okay." You shrugged and went away.

Little did you know, he didn't expect to blurt all of that.

✖ ❤ ❤ ❤ ✖

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" (Crush's name) grabbed his hair and pulled it, while he cried, 

"Hey, (Crush's name)! I got some marshmallows— HOLY SHIT. Dude, the hell are you crying?! Damn..." (Crush's bestfriend) panicked as he saw his pal crying, "I know! Nipple attack!"

"Ew. Dude, no. I'm not playing games. Seriously, ew." (Crush's name) pushed him away.

"So what're you crying for?" 

"... (First name)..." 

"She died?"

"NO!" (Crush's name) smacked his best friend. "I just realized... I. Like. Her."

"... Dumb. Baka. Idiota. Mofo. Dipshit..." (Crush's bestfriend) was swearing to (Crush's name) on what he's done, "Losing (First name) was a big loss dude. But you have some chance to get her though," 

"R-Really?" He lit up his face, "But how?"

"Dude, she's a filipina. What do you expect? She'll get lost for sure."

"Rude but true." 

✖ ❤ ❤ ❤ ✖  

(Crush's name) was currently at the airport and searching a (Hair length) (Hair color) girl. "Fudge cakes... Where is she?"

"Hmm..." (Crush's bestfriend) dugged his hand to a pack of marshmallows and chomped on it, "THERE! Wait... Is she playing Pokemon Go?"

"Doesn't matter, let's go!" He dragged his best friend towards you who was texting someone, and was entering the plane but saw the two boys coming straight to you.

"Oh, sup' guys?" You raised a brow at them.

"(F-First name)... D-Don't leave me you jerk!" He cried, "HUG ME!" 

"... Why?" 

"Don't go, please!"

"... Why?" You repeated,

"I don't know... But don't leave me!" He cried once more.

"Uhmm... Miss? We're waiting here..." The other people who were falling in line complained,

"... You know what? Screw this!" You refunded your cash and went straight to (Crush's name) who kept on crying.

"(First name)!" He hugged you and cried, "Don't leave me please...."

"I won't." You replied, kissing his cheek, "Mahal kita."


"Ew. Sexual harassment here!" (Crush's bestfriend) complained with some kids making disgusted faces.

"Hahah... I'll cut off your disco stick later." 

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I suck. Terribly. Sorry, I've been worrying about my grades in the past few days. What can I say, I'm probably dumb at academics (๑'•д • '๑)

Tangina - (I forgot (,,꒪꒫꒪,,). But it's a swear word...)

Gago - Silly

Mahal kita - I love you

Sungeet or Sungit - I think it's harsh? o:


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