chapter 7

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Hermione POV
"Luna!" I say, seeing the blonde, blue eye beauty. "Hey, Hermione, I've missed you" we hug and proceed to the shops we needed to go to.

"So I saw the article in the Prophet this morning" Luna says, while we look at cute onesie "I didn't think you'd wane be out and about after a night like that.", "well you know how they can exaggerate in the paper" , "I know, so what did happen though?" she asks, I told her about how we went out with the former Slytherins, and how I had such a fun time with Blaise, and how Harry and I were dancing so he didn't get mobbed by other women.

"So you didn't leave with him then?"Luna asks as we pay for our purchases, "We did. But only cause he wanted to make sure I got home ok, since I was apparently drunk out of my mind by the end of the night. To be honest I can barely remember how we got to Grimaulds Place, but when I woke up this morning, I was rather grateful I was there."

"You stayed at his house?"she asks in her innocent, dreamy Luna way, but the question kinda made me uneasy. What was she implying? That I slept with my best friend behind his girlfriend's back? "I did, yes. Why do you ask?", "Its just odd sometimes, you and Harry are always hanging out together without Ron, these days, and well you're both very protective of each other. I can see how that can be misinterpreted."

I think over Luna's words for a moment. She has a point but I always thought our friends understood the relationship between Harry and I. "Well we did face a war together and that made us closer than what people normally are, its like seeing your friend so close to death on multiple occasions, you just want to keep them safe and close enough to keep a watchful eye on them. That's really what its all about. If people want to make it into something more than that's their problem not ours. And Ron has a family to take care of, so he can't always hang out with us so much." I say to her, getting a little frustrated that I had to explain myself to her.

"Sorry Hermione," Luna says, " I didn't mean to offend you or anything. It was just an observation." She takes my hand and squeezes it lovingly.

I kinda felt bad, I can tell she didn't mean it in a bad way, but I'm so over the gossip and lies that are always going around and questions like these really pushes my buttons. Sure I find Harry cute on the odd day, but I respect his relationship with Ginny and would never want to do anything to hurt either of them. "Its OK, Luna, and sorry for going off on you like that", " Its fine, I would've also been a bit frustrated if I were you. Now let's get to that baby shower, shall we?" We duck into an abandoned ally and apperated away to the Burrow.


Hermione POV
The baby shower was lovely, Fleur looked so radiant, like a rose in bloom. After some silly old wives games and cake some of us were sitting outside, enjoying the late afternoon sun. "Its a shame Ginny couldn't make it, she's missed out on so many family events lately." Mrs Weasley says, "I suppose she does have a lot of responsibilities now that she's been made co-captain", "Yeah, must be quit stressful for her" I say enjoying my tea. "How's Harry holding up though, Hermione? I saw in the Prophet you saw him last night." she asks, sounding genuinely concerned. "Well, he's OK, I guess. He seemed a bit upset earlier this week, but was in great spirits last night." Everyone's attention was now on me. 'This isn't awkward.' I think to myself sarcastically. "Good. Good, its nice that he's amongst friends. He's always so alone. I've asked him to come stay with us for a while but he said he was fine and that I shouldn't worry, but its hard not to." she says, taking a sip of her own cup of tea.

"Its funny how you lot are all friends nowadays, given your history. Especially you and Draco." Daphne who had been quiet up till now added, "You guys use to hate each other, it was almost comical to watch", I snort at her comment, and even though I've heard it so many times its still a weird concept to grasp. "I suppose people can change. That's not to say we won't still kill each other in the lab one day" they all laugh. " I know the feeling, Draco is a frustrating human being. But there's a good heart under all that, annoying Malfoy-ness"Daphne says, and we laugh and nod in agreement. 
Harry POV
I apperate to Ron and Daphne's countryside cottage. I find Ron out in the garden pushing the twins  on their baby swing, he looks so happy, like noting else mattered to him but the moment he's having right now. Its always weird seeing my, used to be immature best mate, as a responsible loving father. But there he was, making sure his kids are happy and safe. "Hey mate!" I say as I approach them, he looks up with his smile still on his face,"hey yourself, I'm just giving them some fresh air"he says pointing to the twins," but it looks like they might be ready for a nap soon." We each pick up a baby and carry them inside. Ron goes to get their bottles and we lay them in their cribs.

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