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Everybody, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but somebody has to say it. 'Mangled PT_2' will not be published. With my premise for the next book starting with a ridiculous plot and 'Sister Location' being cancelled, there is absolutely no way to continue this series. I am so sorry to bring this news upon all of you, but this editing will be it. There will be no more books, and no more additions after this. I am so sorry for everybody waiting for the second book. There will be no more wait.

On the other hand, you can all start reading my new books, 'The Hider' and soon 'Battlefront', 'Fire on Water' and 'Hide & Seek'. Hope you wait for those.

Again, I am so sorry. I'm going to miss all of you guys. I hope you read my other books

***Jackson Peterson***


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