The Fight

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A/N: Quick question. I want new people in my next FNAF story line, but I don't know who they should be or what they should look like. So, I'm going to have a contest that will run until the end of this story. You guys can enter a whole info sheet of a character you come up with, and I will choose 5 of the best characters to put in my story. The characters can be x years old, x feet tall, and their gender can be boy or girl. You can turn in as many submissions as you want, but I will most likely only choose one of them. Don't forget to include their name, age, gender, height, hair color, eye color and anything else I'll need to know about them. Also, you're all probably wondering Where's Ken? Don't worry. He's coming back, just not right now. You'll have to wait until I bring him back. Now, here's 'The Fight'!


The fight was insane. It was pretty much a giant dog pile, but three of the smaller dogs were punching the biggest dog at the bottom of the pile. I wanted to join the fight, but I thought it would be better not to. I ran over to the Parts and Services room, and pulled Foxy out. This time, Foxy had purple metal hanging out of his mouth. What was happening in there during the day? I didn't really care right now, so I just showed Foxy the giant pile of metal.

Foxy then bent down, so he was staring at Fredbear's face.

"Don't mess with me," Foxy said, At with that, Foxy stuck his hand with the hook in the middle of the pile, and then yanked the hook out. I then saw that Foxy ripped a giant hole in Fredbear's stomach. How dark was Foxy actually? I then, out of instinct, jump on top of Fredbear, and I use my teeth to try and pull Fredbear's head off.

Fredbear then stood up, and that made all of the other animatronics fall off of the huge monstrosity, but not me, because my teeth were lodged into his neck. He then grabbed my body, and pulled it off again, like it was just a little flea that was bothering him. He then threw my body across the room, and it slammed into a table. He then body slammed, except on his side, and it crushed my head, and I had to let go. I was then on the ground in pieces.

"Don't you ever try to hurt me again. EVER!" Fredbear screamed. Everybody backed away, except for me, because I couldn't move. Fredbear then got back onstage, and stayed silent. Foxy then came over and picked me up. He put me back together the best he could, but I was still messed up. That was when Ken's dad came in, and Foxy and I walked back to the office with him.

We told him about what happened with Fredbear, and he had to run to the bathroom, because he was so scared. He was so scared, he made Foxy go with him. When they came back the guard finally told us his name.

"My name is Frank, by the way," he told us. We then nodded and got ready for the 7th night.

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