The Time (8:00-12:00)

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A/N: Hey everybody. I just want you guys to know that I don't want hate for short chapters. To be clear, I don't want hate for anything. I don't have hate, but I just don't want it. I'm just a boy who likes to write. Please don't hate. Now, onto the story!


Poor Mangle. She's sitting in a room all alone broken down, without being able to do anything. I need to help her. I couldn't move though, because I was turned off. Wait, no I wasn't. I have the night roaming mode. I looked up, and started heading over to the kid's cove. I got over to Mangle.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Mangle croaks. I then pick up one of her eyes, and put it in Mangle's eye socket. Then the eye looked up at me. I was about to get the other eye when Mangle stopped me.

"FIX MY VOICE BOX PLEASE," Mangle screeched. I nodded, and reached my hand down her throat. I reorganized her box so she wouldn't be croaking all the time. Once I fix it, I realized that part of her endoskeleton was pulled out of her body, and that's where the other eye would go. I put the other eye there. I then put her back together the best I could.

"THANK-K-K YOU-U-U BON-N-NIE," Mangle smiled. I waved, and he waved back. I then walked back to my spot and I watched Mangle wander around. What would happen if the night guard caught Mangle moving though? No, Mangle will stop when the night guard comes. I made myself look like I was shut down. Soon Enough...


Bonnie just fixed me up. How nice of him. I can actually walk now. I head over to the game area, and I see the kid named Balloon Boy. I walk over to him, and I look into his eyes.

"HEL-L-LO BAL-L-LO-O-ON BOY-Y-Y," I say to him. He was standing there. His smile seemed to grow a little bit, and it took him a little bit to answer.

"Hello," he said in a kid voice. That voice reminded me about Ken. Ken was a sweet little boy. He said that he would be coming here tomorrow again. I want to have a friend. I mean, he did stuff a tail down my throat, but he was really sweet.

"DO-O-O YOU L-L-LIKE M-M-ME?" I ask Balloon Boy. All he does is laugh. I'm guessing that meant yes. I then give try to give him a high five, but I didn't know where to high five him. He then bent his sign that said 'BALLOONS' down, and I high fived that. Balloon Boy then laughed again. I then walked away. I was walking towards the office space, but I saw a head pop out of the Parts And Services room.

I look at the head, but it quickly shuts the door. I then walk over to the door. I peek inside of the room.

"HEL-L-LO?" I ask. It was pitch black in there. I then saw a creature emerge from the darkness. It looked like me, but redder, more beat up, and older. Maybe this was the original me. 

"Hi. My name's Foxy. Who are you?" The creature asks me. It was a fox, just like me.

"I'M M-M-MANGLE," I frigidly said.  Foxy then reached out his hook, so I extended my hand, and shook his hook.

"You better go back to your spot, because the night guard will be here any minute. See you later," foxy says.

"B-B-BYE," I say and then I walk out of the room. Foxy shuts the door, and I head back to Kid's Cove. I lay down on the ground, and I hear the doors open. I heard some footsteps coming our way. I also heard some guys talking.

"Oh yeah. First night at my new job. The best job ever: Night Guard. Let's check out these toys," he says. He shines a light at the three band members. He then turns around and shines the light at me.  He then walks away, and I hear a door open. I then hear a fan turn on. And I then hear a phone ringing. 

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