The Best Night

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Foxy beat them up? How is that possible? I then see Balloon Boy coming around the corner, and starting to scoop up the animatronics.

"T-T-THANK YOU-U-U GUY-Y-YS," I said. All Balloon Boy did was laugh. What else would he do? Balloon Boy brought the animatronics back to their spot. Soon enough, the animatronics stood up in their spots, and acted like nothing happened. WTF??? Foxy then gives me a good luck and walks away before I could ask him what happened to Chica, Bonnie and Freddy. Later, after a bit, the new guard walked in, and did what the other two guards did their first nights, which was walk around to see all of the animatronics. When he got to me, he dropped his flashlight. What was so bad about me? The man then picked up the flashlight, and moved on quickly. I'm so going to kill him. Luckily, the clock hit 12 AM, and the phone call came through, and it was the same call I've heard every night. I got up, ready to kill. The phone call ended, and right away, I moved to the Prize Corner. I then walked into the hallway, and hung myself upside down so he could see me. He jumped again, and dropped his flashlight. That's right. Be scared. Be very scared. Before he could turn the flashlight on again, I moved into a vent. I started to crawl through the vent. I kept going, stopping every so often. Soon, my head was poking out of the end of the vent. The guard turned the light on. He freaked out, and put the mask on. He took it off, not knowing I was still there, and went into the camera. Yes. I climbed out of the vent, and I crawled up to the ceiling. He took his face away from the camera, and saw me right away. He screamed and put on the Freddy mask. Really? He is such an idiot. He took it off, realized I was still there, and put the mask on again. Then, thinking I wasn't going to strike, the guard took off the mask, and went into the camera.

I get ready to strike. When he pulls the camera down, he's dead. He did. I swung my face forwards, with my jaw wide open. The last thing I heard from him was a scream. I finally chomped down, and I bit his head clean off. I just killed a man. It felt...good. Why would killing somebody feel good? Especially killing somebody that did nothing to me. No. This is right. For what the boss...Vincent... whatever his name is... did to us, he deserves to have dysfunctional animatronics, so this place can be shut down. But why isn't Vincent telling the police about us? Oh. He just doesn't want to be shut down. Well, I've got some news for you, boss man. You are going to be exposed, no matter how long it takes to get you there. After I'm satisfied with the night guards death, I walk back to my spot, and fall asleep, and dream about Ken, Foxy, Balloon Boy, Ken's dad and I all sitting together, talking with each other, and most importantly, not killing each other. Heh. That's a fantasy I wish we could live in. But we can't, so I have to live in the world I'm living in right now, as much as I don't want to.

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