The Scare

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Once Ken was introduced to Balloon Boy as well as Foxy, we all walked around and talked about random stuff. Once it was 11:30 P.M., I told Ken to go back under the stage, so the night guard wouldn't find him. He did what I told him, and hid under there. The guard then came to the place. He looked around, completely oblivious to the hidden storage unit under the stage. He then got to his spot in the office. Hoping he wouldn't notice, I crawled under the tables to where Ken was.

"D-D-DON'T COM-M-ME OUT-T-T," I told Ken, not wanting him to be seen by both the night guard or the other animatronics. Who knew what they would do to Ken if they caught him? He then nodded, saying he understood. I sure hope he did. I then crawled back to my spot, hoping I wouldn't be caught again. I settled down, not wanting to kill tonight. I didn't want Ken to see me all bloody and I sure didn't want him to see any of the animatronics kill anybody. If he did see the animatronics kill the guard, then he would find out what happened to his dad, and I don't think he's ready to find that out.

I got up to move, because I knew I would look suspicious just staying in one place. I was headed to the hallway, and I saw Foxy there as well. We looked at each other for a quick second, and we nodded. We both walked away into the Parts and Services room to have a quick little talk.

"We can't kill because of Ken here," Foxy said. I nodded my head in agreement. "So, should we leave that to somebody else, or should we try to protect him?"

"I T-T-TOLD KEN-N-N NO-O-OT T-T-TO COM-M-ME OUT-T-T AT-T-T ALL-L-L," I said to Foxy. He then quick opened the door, looked around, and saw Chica by the bathrooms.

"That's good. But, he might come out because of curiosity, because I've seen little kids come in here out of curiosity, so we need to hope that the guard doesn't die," Foxy pointed out, and he was right. Kids are very curious, so he might come out, but I sure hope he doesn't. We then walked out of the room, and headed down the hall.

Once we were about 5 feet from the office, the night guard slipped his mask on. I then realized that Bonnie was in the vents. After about a minute, Bonnie walked out of the office, and gave Foxy and I a death glare. Why the heck was she giving us the stare of death? I didn't really care, because once the man took off the mask, he went onto the camera. It was about 5:00, and that was when I saw Chica crawling out of the vent. Once the man took the camera down, Chica jumped on top of the man. Once Chica jumped, we heard a scream come from behind us.

 The scream was a kid scream. Oh no. I turned around, and sitting in the middle of the hallway was Ken. His hands were over his mouth, and his eyes were watering. I saw Chica turn around and stare right at Ken.

"Run Ken, RUN!!!" Foxy screamed. Ken then got up, and ran as fast as he could. Foxy and I followed him, and so did Chica. We turned the corner, and we saw Ken running out the door. He ran right into the boss' hands. We all then got out of sight of the doors. Why was the boss here so early? did he know the guard died? I didn't care at all. I did not want to be put in the dark for a whole day. I got to my spot in Kid's Cove, Chica got on the stage, and Foxy went to the Parts and Services room. We all acted like we were turned off. Then Ken came back into the pizzeria with the boss. The boss then pulled out his phone, and called Ken's mom.

Later that morning, Ken's mom picked him up, balling her eyes out. Ken tried to explain what happened to the night guard, but his mom didn't believe him. Ken then wanted to prove it to his mom. He even brought her to the office, but I'm guessing the boss cleaned it up, because Ken's mom turned the corner, pulling Ken away.

"You are grounded, and you are never ever coming back to this place again," she yelled. They then walked out of the door. Bye Ken...

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