The Worst Day

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Why, cruel world? Why did you have to kill daddy? I hate you. What's even worse is that I can't tell Mangle, because my mom said that we're never going there again. Ever. This sucks so much. I've been sitting in my room, because my mom said that she was talking to the adults. Why can't I be out there. They're talking about my daddy, so I should get to say something about it. Plus, my mom could stay here while I hang out with Mangle. That's it. I need to grow up. I walk over to my door, and slowly turn the knob. I then tiptoe out of the room, so my mom doesn't hear me coming. I slowly walk down the stairs, and once I'm downstairs, I slowly turn the corner, and I then stay hidden behind the corner, because my mom was talking to someone.

"Well, he was going to him, but now that he's dead, I don't know what to do. I can't keep holding onto Ken, because with me only in a part-time job, and him not old enough to work, I don't have enough money to feed him. I only have enough for myself. How are we going to do this?" she says. My hand then slips off the wall, and I fall of the ground. My mom then snaps her head around, and looks at me. She's going to put me up for adoption? What is wrong with her?

"Ken, I told you to stay in your room," she says sympathetically. She then stands up, and comes over to me, and gives me a hug. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry so much. But I didn't. I need to grow up. I just sat there and did nothing, while my mom squeezed me really hard, as if apologizing. I push her away, finally. If she doesn't want me, then she better stop hugging me.

"Ken? Are you ok?" she asks me. I then walk away. I head upstairs. I walk into my room, shut the door, and lock myself in. I jump on my bed, and cry myself a river.


I miss Ken, but I understand why he's not here today. I mean, I wouldn't come back to the place that killed my dad. I was torn apart, and brought all over the place today, but I didn't care. I could only think what was going through Ken's mind. I want to go to him and comfort him, but I can't, because I'm stuck here. When the day was over, Foxy came to fix me, but I didn't bother walking around. I didn't hear anything from anyone until Foxy left, and Bonnie came over to me.

"Mangle," Bonnie said a bunch of times, but I didn't hear him until the 5th time.

"WH-H-HAT?" I asked him. When I looked up at him, his face looked sympathetic. Why? All of a sudden, I saw Freddy and Chica come out from behind him. Freddy came up to me, with a creepy smile.

"Well, well, well. Who made you look so perfect?" He asked me. I tried to answer, but once I opened my mouth, Freddy elbowed me in the face.

"You should answer. Not answering is considered rude." he said, laughing. I tried to answer him again, but again, he elbowed me in the face. After about five times of that, my eye popped out.

"Oops. I guess you look better now. Boys, get him," he says. Bonnie and Chica head towards me.

"Sorry," Bonnie says. He then comes towards me, and he pulls my head off, and throws it behind him. What is he doing??? Chica then grabs me, and pulls out my voice box. She then puts it in the trash. She then pokes out my other eye, and then tosses me on the ground. I then hear stomping. Soon, I also hear growling, crashing and metal ripping. After a little bit, I hear childish laughter. WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!?!?!? Soon enough, the screaming stops, and my eyes are put back in. Sitting in a pile was Bonnie, Freddy, and Chica.

"You feeling okay?" Foxy asked me. 

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