VIII. Confused

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I still don't get it, why Carl is asking about how I Think of him when we 1st met.
I am still get into thinking, why bothered to ask me when there's Lhean, Joanne or Sia.

So I texted him, " Hey Carl, it's weird that out of the girls why you chose me not my friends about how or what their impression about you last week?,".

I'm reading chapter 22 of Volume II of my med-surg book while waiting for the reply. Okay, its kinda hard to focus because I'm bothered in a way. I don't know.

After an hour, he replied. "Lei, sorry for the late reply. I just think that you are more of an honest to comment. Because you looked uninterested in everything you see that night. And you didn't bother to gaze at us, or on the way we look".

"How come you concluded that I am an honest person? LOL. Jk. Okay then, no problem with that Carl. You can ask me anything on earth", I replied.

"I can ask you anything on earth?? Really, even a favor?", he replied back.

"A favor? Hmm okay?,", i replied hesitantly.

A favor? Wow, it's so fast like hey are we totally friends now that you're asking me a favor? But anyway, he is a nice person and cute somehow I can have him as a friend.

"Yeah, a favor... I asked you about your imression about me because I fancy your best friend", he suddenly replied.

Oh, wait. He fancy my best friend Sia. Oh, wow. I just don't know how to react. He wanted me to be friends with him so that he can get along with my best friend. How awful. I am getting used by him.

"Maybe, you can help me with her. I know, you know her best other than your two friends.", he continued.

I don't know what to say. I just don't know what to reply. Perhaps, i am little bit sad. Yes, I somehow expected that maybe he likes me. He invited to have a coffee because he likes me. But, I suddenly give a stare at the mirror. And look at myself.

Nobody, liked me. I remembered when I was in high school, all the boys in my class teased me. "LEI, nice hair. Do you ever comb you hair?" Roman always threw mean words at me. But I barely cry whenever they say a lot of stuffs about me. All I really cared was my study, and I have good girl friends way back. I don't like boys. They are all naughty and mean to me.

And maybe, I don't have the time to be proper. I mean to groom myself, take a look at the mirror or anything to beautify. I need to focus on my grades. All I need was to stay with an honor. Graduate with an honor. Yes, that's me. A very grade conscious sophomore student. And until now. Maybe, because I wanted to help my parents someday. I wanted to give them a bright future when I graduate. We just have enough. Enough for us to send me to college, but they're overseas.

Sometimes, I even told Sia that she's very lucky to have all her wants in her life. But still complaining and complaining.

Some of the boys, way back were kind especially when we have our assignments, quizzes they were so kind that they keep borrowing my notes. That's why, they used to teased me and then acting like we were very close. I let them borrowing my notes as long as they will return it the next day.

"Hey, Lei, still up?", Carl texted me again. I forgot that I didn't reply in his last message. And it's nearly 12 midnight. I need to sleep.

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