III. Deep Inside

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It's been a while. It's been a while where I am living free without my aunt's comments. Without me, having obliged to clean the whole house before doing my homeworks. Without me, crying silently when I feel like I am being abused with those household choires, and still giving me a lot of rude words. Here I am, relieved!

At last, no more scold and shout from my aunt, pushing me down. "You can not do anything, without me! You can not make a good future with your own without me!, hey, those hair strands, can you pick it up?, Have you washed the dishes, nicely?!, then why  can I still see those little white pieces on it?!!, how dumb are you??!,", her voice still running inside my head.

I  wanted to prove to her I can make myself successful withour her. Without her help, she just always discourage me instead of pushing me up. She has been an OC- freak. Me and my cousin  always felt nervous when we heard her stilleto coming nearer and nearer on the front door. We made sure the floor, the ceilings, kitchen and bedrooms are clean before she arrives. It's all been like that for years now. She didn't change. She's becoming worst as she grow older and older. How pathetic!

I went to school, I still maintain those high grades. Maybe, not only I wanted my parents proud of me... but deep within me I want to prove to Aunt, who have put me in hell for years that I can do it. Maybe, by doing that, I can have my revenge.


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