Chapter 09

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After eating breakfast he decided to settle himself on the couch watching some news on the telly after he washed our dishes even though I insisted to do so as he is a guest but he still did. He even told me he still do likes me but I need to get a bath as he says he wants us to go somewhere which I agreed and so after taking a bath I rushed to just put on a lipstick on my lips, grabbing some trousers, a shirt pairing it with some toms for my footwear. Grabbing my bag as I came back at the living room to see Harry's mouth agape with his eyes closed snuggling himself on the couch.

I smiled.

He lives in Chesire,  he has sure did was tired from the ride just to visit me here.

I turned off the telly as I stood up and turned my back at him but he suddenly.speaks making me turn my heels and see him looking at me as he let's out a yawn.

“Kass.” He says.

“I think you and I could go out some other time ... yet can rest at my room if you want too.” I stated as walk towards him.

He then sits up as he pouts. “I wanna have a good time with you-”

“We can have a good time here....Harry I can see your tired and as you said you have buried yourself with work yet you decided to still come here and try to talk me through about us.” I explained to him as I took a sit next to him.

“C'mon...Kass please I'm good...we can-, ah...shit fine okay....I  admit I need to sleep.” He sighs throwing his hands up in defeat.

He shakes his head and laugh at himself as I smiled for his reaction he then places his hand on my waist as he kissed my cheek.

“Sorry...Kass...I promised you well go somewhere nice once I get to sleep.” He smiled.

“Uhuh, anyways...are you staying somewhere-”

“Yeah ..., at Liam's though I can take my things there and get them here if I told him...if as I am assuming you want me to stay here as I'll be here over for a week before going back as I am having my vacation here for you making an excuse to finally used my day off just to see you.” He tells me.

I smiled.

“You do can read my just get your things and stay here so we can have some more time together.” I say.

“Okay...I'm gonna give him a call.” He smirks.

“Good boy.” I laughed messing his hair.

“I'm not a dog.” He snorted.

“Uh c'mon I'm just joking.” I chuckled.

He had fallen on my bed as I then after an hour Liam came with a duffle bag as I guessed was Harry's things is place inside.

I asked Liam to even grab a drink, a given thank you gesture for driving over just to leave Harry's things for him.

He replied with a curt nod adding to tell me that his happy for Harry and I whatever our relationship is at the moment saying to me not to hurt Harry's feelings before he left I guessed between Harry and I when it comes to his friends I seem like a dangerous woman for him to fall so much on me as it seems.

Harry with his given looks I think I should be worried and with his personality I can assure girls are falling over his feet so the biggest question is why did he choose me?


As I carry his bag placing it beside the nightstand I lay on the bed beside him as automatically he then turns to snuggle comfortably snaking his arm on my waist with his eyes still closed he speaks.

“Did Liam came?”

“Yes...he brought your bag I put it beside the nightstand.” I say.

“I really like being with you all the time you make me feel good.” He whispered.

I chuckled, as I kissed curtly him on the lips. “You are too sweet.”

“I'm being honest, I feel more alive with you being around.” He adds.

“Sure, shut up and get some sleep.” I told him.

“Seriously...Kass....answer my question do you like me too?, I know that now you know that I do am falling for you is a big thing for me I just to have that assurance that I am not the only one who's investing so much for nothing-”

“I like you too.” I cut him off as I then kissed his cheek.

He gives me his smile.

“I love you.” He said.

He doesn't know how he just takes my breath away.

I am so lucky to have him but I do have doubts too I know not every fairytale has its happy endings.

He opens his eyes slowly as he moves his lips closer to mine.

Again he kissed me, I kissed him back.

The kiss was soft as slowly we both pulled away.

“Harry..., thank you for entering my life even though I tried to push you away-”

“Shhh..., its okay...I'm stubborn enough to not go away that easily anyway.” He chuckles.

I smiled again because of him.

“I'm so lucky to have my vacation here ... waking up to be lying next to you ...the girl who has my heart,, to be able to hold you...and kiss you.” He whispered the last part, smirking.

“Uh...huh..” I hummed.

He nods his head. “Yeah...Kassy...”

“Yeah...Harold.” I mocked him.

He chuckles as he holds my hand.

“Since you like me too I think we should have a ship name like famous artist about  Harsy.....what do you think my love.”

I laughed he really is something...

“Harsy?, Harry?, Seriously?, and my love?, now your using endearments for me?”

“C'mon? love?” He smirks, winking at me as he chuckles for his actions.

I then kissed him on the lips briefly. “Then my love it is...” I say he just doesn't know how he do can persuade me this easily.

“Kass... I need some sleep I'm gonna close my eyes now, okay?” He even asks.

“Harry is it just me or you just sleep talking to act so funny?”

He smiled lazily kissing my forehead. “No I am not.”

This is just so good to be true.

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