Chapter 01

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It is a new day.

Taking a cab, I went to get into my class as my car is being fixed.

Gladly I didn't came late just in time.

I took a seat beside my friend Louis as I greeted him."Good morning."

He smiles, nodding. "Morning, Kass."

The professor came in. "As it is your last semester here in this university before graduating, I had a project for you all to make for this week's activity shall be submitted, all of you should give me an essay with three pages for why should I give you a passing grade." The bald man says as he then picks up a marker and writes on the board.

Mr. John Hall

The man then speaks after writing. "That's my name and I'll be your professor for the rest of the semester...,I've got a meeting so I gotta leave that'll be all." He says, clearing his throat. "Read the first chapter of this book, you can buy this on the bookstore near the university, we'll have an exam tomorrow about it."

He walks towards the boy beside Louis handing him the book as the boy took a picture of it.

Professor Hall smiles at all of us. "Hope we shall all have fun in learning before you all leave this institution..., class dismissed."

With those words we're said the boy named Ashton gives the book back to Professor Hall as he gets his suitcase and leaves everyone in the room then tells Ashton to send them the pictures of the book for knowing also the author.

After Ashton had gotten everybody's number and sended them the pictures, slowly the people in the room had left, leaving me and Louis.

Louis as I've came here in the university on my very first day have became a good friend of mine ever since and to think that this will be our last semester it gives me a bit of thoughts of wanting to have this friendship going even if we will graduate.

"Can't believe we've survived to reach this far." Louis stated.

"Yeah..., anyway what are your plans after graduation?" I asked him, picking up my backpack.

Louis stood up beside me answering as he slings his bag."The usual, apply for a job...graduating as a psychologists has it's demands but how about you?, how's your duties going on with Dr. Clifford?, heard his a strict one."

"His been good, his just a little bit uptight but his a good lad to hang with once you get to know him there was this time we had dinner on his house, he is quite whipped with his wife." I told him.

He laughs shaking his head after a while he stopped as we both went out of the room.

"He has never been that close to trainees guess he sees your good on your work." Louis says.

I smiled replying. "I guess."

"So how was your visit at Chesire?" Louis asks as we walked through the busy hall.

"It was fine." I told him as a face appears on my head, remembering the those emerald eyes.

"Your so lucky to have a job waiting for you at there, though I hope you wouldn't mind to have me there." He stated.

I punched his arm playfully as he chuckled. "I would not mind Lou."

As Dr. Clifford had been a great mentor of mine I've become closed to him as like his daughter. My father had died on an accident just when I was six years old on a car crash my mother took care of me and so like she and my sister is I wanna be like them, to become a doctor of psychology is my dream, my ambition.

Dr. Clifford has a wonderful family though his daughter gives him headache's for dating boy's that he doesn't approve. At first he was a strict old man who as all the students known is the hardest person to be dealt with though as I've experience he surely is but I think if he sees your persistence he'll be able to go smooth on you. The miracle happened when the hardest patient fall to be my case that girl was hard very hard to deal with for two years she had stayed on the said facility she had never said a word until the third day of our session which she has spoken to me.

People on the said work place then called me as a lucky angel to be able to get that girl to talked.

After that Dr. Clifford and I became closed, he had told me that kid is a rare case as I handled her it was such a miracle to happen, for even him have not gone any progress with her and so as she has been my patient slowly she was able to become this great ball of sunshine. For she is slowly but surely progressing well and I hope after I will graduate she will be cured too.

Dr. Clifford'so daughter Mariel is a sweet girl she and I became friends through me she and her father soon to understand each other as I had let her understand her fathers situation at work to get her to be aware of what she has than just dating guy's for the sake of the rebellion she shows for her fathers absence.

Luckily Dr. Clifford and his wife has this friend who is the chief executive director of the mental health institution that has been based on Chesire who needs a such worker like me which Dr. Clifford then advised his friend to have me, which then goes for me that after graduation I will had such job to land with.

I wouldn't mind leaving London though I will surely missed it but I can't wait to had such adventure with the new life ahead of me on that place I had already had a flat on that place as my mother is quite excited for me to have my first work to begin there she was the one who had payed for that flat that I had owned now there as I had visited yesterday that place was really nice which leads me to bought some supplies already for my stay there such as furniture, curtains and appliances, kitchen wares.

My sister was with me during my stay there yesterday as she had helped me along with her husband Jerome. As before we had left the place everything is already settled but the man whom I've met at the coffee shop gives me the creeps.

Louis and I parted ways as we had our next class.

I decided to took a seat beside the black haired boy as all the seats has been filled.

The class started as the professor walks in.

Just like most days Monday which is the first day of the new semester in college has it's perks to be dismissed early, I looked up to my schedule as I walked back to my dorm.

The house that my mother is living isn't exactly far such as my sister's after all our house and my sister's house is just right next to each other the house isn't really far from school either though I want to experience independence that my mother has such quite an issue for we are her babies but thankfully she gives in with my sister's helped.

During Monday and Tuesday I'll have my classes while throughout the week will be my duties on the hospital as I had read.

But with my clumsiness for being busy enough to read my schedule I was about to tripped closing my eyes in the process strong arms caught me as an another hand was on my waist I slowly open my eyes only to met the emerald eyes that stares right back to me in return.

"Be careful." He said as he helped me up.

My body then straighten as I make distance between him and I.

He places his hands on the pockets of his hoodie as I looked at him.

I nod my head saying. "Thanks."

He smiled. "It's all right, don't mention it."

I then turned my back as this stranger is a little bit too kind for my liking. I then proceeded to make my way back.

I reached my flat, opening the front door only to remember those emerald eyes at the coffee shop and the hooded man who also owns such emerald irises has the same faces.

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