Baby Girl

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Josh and I had a baby four years ago. She was a beautiful little girl. She had my brown hair and Josh's golden brown eyes. We watched her as she spun around with all the other kids as they ran around the backyard. The backyard was decorated with pink/white/gold balloons and streamers. It was Bethany's 4th birthday.

"Ah come here!" Josh growled as he picked her up and spun her around in the air. She cheered. Her little giggle escaping her lips. I stood and watched as the two loves of my life played.

"'Mommy! Come on!" Beth begged.

"Mommy needs to go check on the cake!" I said going inside the house. Josh followed me inside.

"Party is going good." Josh said entering the house. "Although I was bitten by one of the kids" he said. I laughed as he pulled me close to him. "I don't know about you but I think we should get rid of all these kids and have our own little party" he said pulling me closer.

"Sounds good. Tyler and Jenna can take her" I whispered. Then sucked the frosting off of my finger. He moaned slightly. "But we have to do cake" I whispered. I dipped my finger back in the container and offered him to lick it off. As he was about to I smeared it across his cheek. His jaw dropped and he let out a big gasp.

"You Dun messed with the wrong Dun" he said. I started laughing. Before he could attack I picked up the cake and brought it outside.

"Time for cake!" I called. All the children stopped in their tracks and ran over. We all gathered around the cake and I pulled out the camera. Josh picked up Beth and placed her on his lap. We lit the candles and Josh started singing.

"Happy Birthday to you" everybody joined in. Tyler giving the song the performance of a lifetime.

Once they were done singing we passed out the cake and ice cream. It was all fun. The kids ended up crashing from their sugar rush and all the parents came and picked the kids up. Tyler and Jenna took Beth and their kid Jeremy out to the park to go run around. Leaving Josh and I on cleanup. As I took down the decorations I felt Josh's arms slither around my waist.

"Not now we need to clean up" I whispered

"No I need to talk to you" he said. I stopped and looked at him. Giving him my full attention. "The guys, they want to do a tour." He said.

"What?" I asked

"The album is coming out and everybody is expecting a final tour, before I retire." He said.

"But we talked about this. No tour. That was the plan. We were going to raise Beth in a complete family." I said

"And we will be. I'll just be gone a lot" he said.

"That's not a fucking family. That's you sending money home while I stay here and take care of Beth." I snapped and ripped decorations down. I threw them in the trash aggressively. I went inside.

"It's not like I'll be gone forever! These guys are my family. The Clique is my family" he said.

"I know they are but they had you for several years; before and during our relationship, while I was pregnant, and when Beth was a baby. Do you remember that? You left to tour and we didn't see you for TWO years." I said.

"Now it's our turn. It's your turn to have your family Josh." I said.

"Babe. Come on. It's only for a year and a half" he said.

"No. Go. Because this is clearly more important than your family" I hissed.

"Hey, YN don't be like that." He begged.

"Well how the fuck am I suppose to act? I put my life on hold for you Josh. I waited till we were 27 to get married. And I waited till I was 30 to have kids. Just so you can tour. And now that we have our beautiful daughter your just going to leave again?" I said

"It's my job YN" he said. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. I grabbed a suitcase and packed up a few sets of clothes. I went to Beth's room and packed her a bag. "So what? Your just leaving?" He asked. Propped against the door frame.

"No Josh. You're leaving" I said I grabbed my suitcase and Beth's bag. I started to leave. I opened the trunk of my BMW and lifted my suitcase into it.

"Ok I'll stay." He said. "I'll tell the guys: I'm retired" he said. "Just please don't go." He practically begged. I felt the tears run down my face. I closed he trunk and walked up to him.

"We can talk after your tour" I whispered. I gave him a slight kiss on the cheek and turned around. I wiped my tears as I got into the drivers seat. I started the car and drove.

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