Beautiful Silence

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Britta P.O.V.

We left the restaurant, and Caspar just kept looking at me. I could tell he was worried, even though I had told him I was fine multiple times. He just didn't believe me. He did, however, stop asking me if I was alright, instead, Caspar just laced our hands together tightly. I really didn't want him to worry about me! I'm fine! I'm fine. 

"Where are we going now?" Caspar asked me, breaking the silence we shared. I pondered on his question for a moment, and I wasn't sure if I had an answer for him or not. It was silent, for the most part, as I thought of what to say. There were still the loud cars in the busy streets, and bunches of people pushing by each other on the crowded sidewalk.

"Um, I-I don't know. I didn't really think that far ahead," I confessed. Caspar nodded his head slowly.

"Okay... let me think. We could go and just walk around, see all your favorite places?" Caspar suggested kindly.

"Maybe... or maybe we could go somewhere you've never been?" I recommended.

"Well, I mean, there is quite a lot of places I haven't been, considering this is my first time visiting this place. But, I really don't care where we go, as long as we're together," he said sweetly. I blushed slightly at his adorableness.

"Well, aren't you sweet... and cliche," I replied with a giggle, "I'm just kidding," I finished with a smile that just couldn't be faked. Caspar shrugged in response, as a grin crawled onto his face. "Hey, Casp? How about we go to this cute little pond? It's not far, just far enough that it's away from the large amounts of people and noises. Also, most of the stores are closed right now anyway. I think you'll like it, follow me," I stated, grabbing his arm.

"Okay, sure! That sounds cool!" He renounced happily. I quickly led the way to Moore's Pond. Caspar trailed behind me, as I dropped his wrist, and ran excitedly towards our destination. Once we got there, the sky started to change color. The cotton-candy clouds were mirrored on top of the clear water. Different shades of pinks and purples, oranges, and reds flooded the sky. I bolted to the sandy ground beside the pond, and plopped down criss-cross applesauce style. I inhaled deeply, letting the cool air seep into my lungs. Soon, Caspar came over, and joined me sitting on the beach. It was nice to finally have peace. There were no cars, nobody having loud conversations, just... nothing. I felt completely serene, finally. I found myself closing my eyes, and just enjoying the quiet sounds of crickets chirping, frogs croaking, and the water gently clapping against the sand. Caspar inched closer to me.

"Caspar," I said abruptly. I kept my eyes fixed on the water, while I spoke, "You have no idea how much my life has changed since I met you," I finished. A gust of cold air hit my chest. His hand gently grazed my back. My eyes wandered over to meet his. Caspar stared at me, with his intensely beautiful, blue eyes. They were more blue than the water that was placed in front of us. This silence was peaceful. It was beautiful in fact. Caspar pulled me even closer to him, and he leaned in for a kiss. His smooth lips touched my own, and I was the happiest girl in the world. He made all the bad things go away. He made my frowns turn to ear-to-ear smiles. He made me happy. Caspar broke away from me, and looked at me with kind eyes.

"You have no idea how much my life has changed since I've met you... all for the better," he mentioned, once those words left his lips, it left me feeling all kinds of emotions. My heart just swelled up with love for him. My eyes filled with tears, I tried to keep from crying all I could, but a few tears managed to break away. The few tears that did leave, trickled down my cheeks and nose. Caspar took his finger, and wiped away the tears. He pulled me close to his chest, and I felt more tears roll, as I pressed my face up against his T-shirt. I looked out at the calm water, although my vision was blurred, the image of the water was still pretty. Thoughts piled up in my brain. Why does he have to leave? What will I do once he's gone? Crap. How will I tell him?

Aspyn P.O.V.

My brain started to try and figure out where exactly Dan was wanting to take me. He clearly was not going to tell me any time soon.

"I think you'll like this place, and that's all I'm going to say," Dan stated stubbornly, with a cheeky grin. I scrunched up my face because of his stubbornness. 

"Ugh, fine... how far is this place?" I asked him, hoping I could maybe trick him into answering enough questions, so I could figure out the answer. We walked to the parking lot, as I talked.

"We're not playing 20 questions, are we? All I'm saying is it's not very far, and you are going to like it... I think," Dan replied, foiling my plan. He politely held the passenger door of the car open for me. I slid inside, and he closed the car door behind me. Dan hopped into the driver's seat, and we headed off to our mysterious destination. I tried to map out where we were headed, but, alas, I am not very good directionally. "Here we are!" Dan yelled excitedly, as we drove past a sign that read The Starlight Theatre.

"What is this place?" I inquired, Dan pulled into a parking space in front of a huge, blank wall.

"A drive-in movie theater," he explained. An enormous smile crossed my face, and my whole face lit up with joy.

"Really!? I've always wanted to go to one of these!" I rejoiced, excitement flowing out of me.

"See, I kew you would like it," Dan stated proudly with a smile. I looked out the car window only to see the lot was completely empty.

"Where are all the other people?" I asked, turning to face Dan. He glanced out his window, then turned back to me with a confused look.

"Huh, I don't know. I read online that this place is usually packed full of people," he commented.

"Weird... well, I guess it's okay, right? What movie is playing tonight?" I asked, tilting my head to the right.

"Well, the thing is, I heard this place only plays silent, black and white movies..." he confessed.

"Dan, really? That's so cool! What's the movie called?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"It's called The Wind, and I think it's a spooky movie, but it was all they had on tonight," Dan spoke softly.

"Sure, that's why you picked it... it's all they had playing.." I teased, causing him to blush. Suddenly, a bright light caused me, and Dan both to jump, "Oh, this is gonna be great," I joked, as the light began to shine brighter, livening up the old wall we were parked in front of.

"Tell me about it," he joked, breathing deeply.

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