What is Happening?

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Cora P.O.V.

I couldn't believe Joe was actually leaving. I knew he would have to go eventually, but it just feels like it's happening so fast. "Um, I'm going to go get something to drink, you want anything?" I asked, resting my hand on the door knob. Thoughts of him leaving still racing through my mind.

"No, I'm good," he replied softly. I nodded, and headed to the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen, I passed Britta sitting in the living room by herself. Caspar must've gotten up to use the bathroom or something, and I heard Aspyn go into her room. Britta's head was nestled tightly into the palms of her hands, and she just looked stressed about something.

"Brit? Everything okay?" I ask, taking a seat next to her on the couch. After the words left my lips, her head shot up so fast, I thought she gave herself whiplash.

"Geez, you scared me! " She exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest, "What did you say?" Britta asked, gaining eye contact with me. When I met her eyes, they looked puffy, and red, like she'd been crying.

"Is everything okay?" I repeated, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Okay? Yeah! Everything's just PEACHY!" She yelled. I examined her face closely, and she sure as heck didn't seem okay. I could just tell she was hiding something.

"Spill," I stated blatantly, my eyes intensely searching for clues.

"Spill what?" She squeaked back.

"The beans, Britta! Spill the dang beans!" I barked back.

"We're all out of beans! So therefore, I can't spill any!" Britta retorted with sass in her eyes. I glared at her slightly, to which she did the same.

"Britta," I stated calmly.

"Cora," she replied in the same tone as me.

"Something is different. You're hiding something."

"No I'm not!" She stated defensively.

"Britta! I'm not stupid! I know you, and I know you're not being you," I stated. Her lip started to quiver. She sighed, and opened her mouth as if about to speak, when Caspar emerged from the bathroom.

"Caspar! You're back! Hey, let's go do something! Like go out to eat or something?" She requested, trying her best to get out of the last conversation. She didn't even wait for him to give an answer, "Okay? Great! Let me go change!" And she was out of there. Britta practically ran out of the living room into my room. "Hey get out of here! I have to change!" I hear Britta yell, and then I see Joe pushed out into the hallway.

"Okay then. You two going somewhere?" He asked Caspar, as he ventured into the living room.

"Yeah, apparently. I don't know where though," Caspar admitted. After what seemed like just a few minutes, Britta came parading out of my room in a white, lace top with three quarter length sleeves, and a black collar. She paired it with a short, black circle skirt.

"Okay, come one, let's go," she ordered.

"Um, Britta, that's my top," I observed.

"Can I just borrow it please?" She pleaded with big eyes.

"Ugh, I guess, only because it looks so good on you," I rolled my eyes, and a half smile crawled onto my face. Her face lit up with excitement.

"Thanks!" She finished, grabbing Caspar's wrist, and running out the door. Joe and I stood there in silence for a moment.

"What was her deal?" He asked, breaking the brief moment of silence we shared.

"I have no idea," I inform him, "I'm glad you noticed it too though. She is definitely hiding something," I said.

Living in a Dream - a Joe Sugg Fan-fictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora