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Cora P.O.V.

I kept thinking about what I said to Gryphon, what she said to me. Was she right? Was everyone against me?  I thought to myself nervously.

"Aspyn?" I asked quietly, glancing up from my folded hands.

"Yeah? What's up?" She asked, as she took a seat on the side of my hospital bed.

"Um, did you catch what Gryphon had said?" I asked softly.

"When? She said a lot of crap," Aspyn said, letting a small half smile cross her face.

"Well, she said thousands of teenagers wish they could be in my spot, including herself," I said meeting Aspyn's big eyes.

"Yeah, what about it? She's just jealous. You have the one thing she can't have. Joe," Aspyn explained to me, as she tapped my nose.

"I guess," I uttered under my breath. Aspyn rubbed my shoulder gently and stood up. I looked up at her. She took a deep breath in, and picked up her backpack. "Where are you going?" I asked with a confused expression.

"I have to go to work, I've already been gone too long," Aspyn said.

"B-but, who is supposed to be here with me? Who am I supposed to talk to?" I asked quickly.

"Uh, I could get Oli or Sawyer or someone. Maybe Zoe? I don't know!" Aspyn exclaimed.

"No. I just wish Joe could be here, if it weren't for Gryphon then no one would have known that he was here," I said slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry Cora, I don't know what to do, but I have to get to work now. I'll come straight back when my shift is over," she said, as she hugged me, and left the room. I sat in complete silence. I was so bored already. After about ten minutes of just sitting around I thought I would browse tumblr on my phone. Right when I went to grab my phone, it started buzzing, I looked at the screen. Aspyn was calling, I quickly answered.

"Aspyn? Why are you calling me? You just left like ten minutes ago," I said into the phone, I could hear Aspyn breathing heavily on the other end, she started hyperventilating. "What's going on? What happened?" I said, starting to worry.

"D-d-d" Aspyn stuttered, I was completely lost.

"What? Aspyn, calm down!" I ordered, waiting for a response.

"Cora," she said in a whispery voice. "You're not... going to believe... who I just saw," she said, breathing loudly.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"D-d-dan..." she managed to choke out one word.

"Dan? Dan Howell?" I asked, but from the way she told me I think I already knew.

"I'm not done. Dan... and Phil!" Aspyn screamed, I pulled the phone away from my ear, and returned it.

"Really? Why are they in America? Why are they in Minnesota?" I asked, furrowing my brow, and trying to wrap my head around the information I just received.

"I promise, Cora. This is Dan and Phil we're talking about. Dan and Phil! Oh my gosh, I can't, Cora, I can't" Aspyn cried, she continued breathing heavily.

"Where are you?" I asked, wondering how something like this could happen in a span of ten minutes.

"Right now, I'm sitting on the sidewalk trying to get my life together. Cora, I'm a mess. Dan and Phil just walked by, and I'm sitting on the sidewalk, staring at them, and hyperventilating because I was just in their presence," Aspyn blurted out quickly. I could tell Aspyn was shaken, but in a good way. Dan and Phil were her idols. She absolutely adored them.

"Okay, just calm down. Did you just like pass them? Did you say something?" I asked, hearing Aspyn take deep breaths on the other end of the phone.

"No! Of course I didn't say anything! I freaked out just looking at them, and you think trying to interact would be a good idea? No way," Aspyn said, I could tell she was a little conflicted. She wanted to talk to them, but didn't want to embarrass herself. I sympathized for her, having had gone through the same experience.

"Okay, okay. Just listen. Where are they now? Have they completely passed you?" I questioned, as the sound of wind whistled through the phone, and into the hospital room.

"Uh, they are like right around the corner, they just walked by," she said in a hurried tone.

"Go talk to them!" I ordered, making a gesture with my hand, then quickly retracting it realizing Aspyn wasn't able to see it.

"Cora! I can't! I'll screw everything up!" Aspyn whined, I stopped trying to force her to speak to them. It was probably for the better. "I have to go, I'll call you later and tell you if anything happened," Aspyn said, saying goodbye then hanging up the phone. I sat in silence once more. Completely alone, except for every once in a while, when the nurse would come in and check my vitals. I suddenly heard a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in," I yelled, watching the doorknob turn slowly. A young girl was stood in the doorway. Harley. "Harley? What are you doing here?" I asked, as the small girl walked to the side of my bed.

"I just came to make sure you were okay. I got kind of worried when I heard you were in a crash," Harley said to me in a soft tone. I was a little confused as to why she was here, considering I didn't know her very well.

"Well, thank you for thinking of me," I said sweetly, looking at Harley's dark brown eyes, and dirty blonde hair.

"You're welcome. Um, I have a weird question," Harley said hesitantly.

"Okay, let me hear it."

"Well, uh, are you.. are you really pregnant?" She asked in an innocent voice. My eyes widened, and I shook my head quickly.

"No, no, no. I promise you, I am not pregnant! The woman who said so is spreading lies. I'm not pregnant, Harley. I-" I stated defensively, I tried to say more, but Harley cut me off.

"I believe you," she said softly. My eyes bolted up to hers, and a look of complete relief crossed my face.

"You do?" I asked hopefully.

"I do. Something about that lady seemed strange, I didn't trust her. I just wanted to make sure," Harley admitted. I gestured for her to come close to me, and I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you," I said, still squeezing her. She started to pull away from me.

"Thanks for talking to me, Cora. I wish I could just stay and talk to you, but my mom is waiting in the car. I hope you get better soon. Goodbye," she said to me, as she gave me a little wave, and walked out the door. Maybe nobody's against me, maybe nobody's against Joe. Maybe they're all just against Gryphon, I guess all I can do now, is hope.

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