The Dance

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Cora P.O.V.

It was one day until the dance, and I need to take the girls out to go look for something to wear.

"Are you two ready to go?" I asked Aspyn and Britta, as I grabbed my phone off the counter, and shoved it in my bag.

"I'm ready, I'm ready," Aspyn chanted. I smiled in response. Britta looked miserable.

"Brit? Is everything okay?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"Yeah.. well, kinda, I mean no. Caspar didn't sound like he wanted to come with me. He sounded like he just said yes cause I asked him," Britta said, her voice quivered, and her eyes became misty.

"Britta, I'm sure it was nothing. I've seen the way he acts around you; if he sounded unsure, I bet it was just like nerves or something, don't worry about it too much. Okay?" I reassured, Britta smiled at me as if to say she was fine, but I knew she was hiding more underneath the joy. I hated to see my friends in any type of pain, physical or emotional. We walked out of the apartment, and headed to a store. The three of us were so excited, mainly me. I felt like I was ten again, playing dress-up with all the clothes from the 1950's. "How about this one?" I asked my girls, holding a dress that was still on the hanger, up to my body.

"Oh! That one is so cute! Please get it!" Aspyn yelled excitedly. I ended up buying the dress; it had short sleeves, and a peter-pan collar. It was pink and black, with the signature poodle on the skirt. Aspyn bought one similar to mine, but slightly different. Britta's dress was absolutely gorgeous. I fell in love with hers, no joke. The dress Britta bought, had a black skirt with white polka-dots, and a white top. There was also a red sweater with a poodle on it. These dresses were perfect.

The Next Day

Cora P.O.V.

The dance is today! I can't wait! I hope Joe is ready! I ran out of my room, and pounded on Aspyn's bedroom door.

"Aspyn, Aspyn! The dance is tonight!" I screamed, managing to wake both of them up from my booming voice.

"I know, that's why I am trying to get some sleep, so I won't look like a zombie," Aspyn said calmly. I however, couldn't stop moving. I was so excited, that I decided to get dressed. I slipped on the stunning, silk dress. I gazed at myself in a full-length mirror. I couldn't believe the dance was already here. I fixed my hair, and put on my black and white shoes. I felt as if I had traveled through time. I loved being in this attire, I wish it was acceptable for me to wear this every day. It seemed as though time stopped, and not in a good way. It felt like ten minutes, was ten hours. Every second felt like an entire year. I just sat there, waiting for the time to suddenly start again. I sat on the couch fiddling my fingers, when my phone started to buzz. It was Joe. I answered the phone quickly.

"Hi Joe!" I said to him cheerfully.

"Hi Cora, I have a really stupid question," Joe said, I could hear embarrassment in his voice.

"No question is a stupid question."

"Okay mum," he joked. "Uh, when's the dance?"

"Tonight at five," I said sweetly.

"Okay, thanks. Are you wearing anything special?" He asked, and I started to worry.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked him in a panicky voice.

"Yes, I just wanted to make sure you were too," he said softly. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. We are going to be the cutest date ever.

"Well, I am. I'll talk to you later okay?" I said.

"Sounds good," he replied, I smiled even though he couldn't see it. We hung up, and I sat back down on the couch. I waited, and waited, and waited. Hours passed, when I finally looked at the clock.

"Four thirty! Get ready! We have to go soon!" I ordered. I walked past the bathroom, and saw Aspyn and Britta finishing up their makeup. "So pretty!" I said proudly. Once they were finished, we all left the apartment, and walked to Whisper Hill. It was brightly lit up with many fairy lights. It looked like a fantasy world. I raced down the hill to where the dance was being held. I glanced around to see if anyone I knew was here yet. I decided to sit down, since no one I knew was there. Aspyn and Britta came to join me. After a while, someone approached me.

"May I have this dance?" Joe said, reaching for my hand. He looked so cute! He was wearing a black, leather jacket, with a white tee-shirt, and a pair of medium colored jeans. I grabbed his hand, and stood up. I curtsied, and he kissed my hand gently.

"Of course," I said sweetly, I could feel my cheeks blush. I turned around, and mouthed the words, I'm dancing.. with Joe! Aspyn and Britta just laughed, and gave me thumbs up. I placed hand on his shoulder, and intertwined my fingers with his. He gently placed his right hand on my side. When he pulled me close, I forgot how to breathe. I glanced over to see that Aspyn and Britta were both gone. The guys must've found them.

"Cora," Joe said to me softly. I peered into his gunmetal blue eyes. They were stunning.

"Yes?" I asked, I looked up at him through my lashes.

"I love you," he said gently, and hugged me tightly.

"I love you too," I said to him, resting my head on his shoulder. I now have found somebody that I love, someone I truly love. I love Aspyn and Britta, but I love Joe in a different kind of way. I felt like I was in a dream, and to some extent I was, because you always must wake up from a dream. My waking up would be Joe leaving, but right now, he's here, holding me in his arms. I would never ask for anything other than this. Having someone to hold you, and feel emotion with you. I love Joe.

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