Mistakes Were Made

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Joe P.O.V.

I really want to ask Cora out, but I'm worried she'll just reject me. I kept trying to ask her, but I kept getting interrupted.

I'm finally alone with her. This is my chance!  I think to myself nervously.

"So, I um, have been trying to ask you this," I tell her. I could feel my heart start to beat faster, and faster, and faster; until I thought my heart would fly right out of my chest.

"Yeah?" She asked me, causing my heart to beat faster, even though I didn't think it was possible.

"Um, I-I know we like just-" I get cut off by the sound of her phone ringing.

"Go on, it's just Aspyn," she said to me, seeming almost excited. I tried to find the courage inside me to ask her out... but I couldn't do it.

"Well, I guess I just wanna know if you would... go out with... Caspar," Why did I say Caspar!? Come on Sugg! I say to her, instantly regretting my poor decision.

"Um, yeah maybe. Well, it's getting late, I should get going. It was nice meeting you, Joe," she tells me, sadness filling her eyes. I'm a terrible human. Why couldn't I just ask her? I watch her leave the diner, and saw heavy raindrops break away from the clouds above.

I left the diner and walked back to the hotel, which was the opposite direction of where Cora was going.  I couldn't  believe that I completely chickened out.

I got to the hotel, and saw Caspar and Oli on their beds.

"Hey, bro. How'd it go with Cora?" Caspar asked me.

"Not as planned," I say, feeling like a failure.

"Aw, buddy. What happened?" Caspar says to me, trying to help even though it won't make it any better. I've already made my mistake.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"Joe, come on. I'm sure it's not that bad," Caspar says to me. Right as I was about to spill the beans on what happened, Zoe and Alfie walked in from their room, which was connected to ours.

"Hi guys," Zoe says to us happily.

"Hey," I reply, less than thrilled.

"Joe, what's happened?" Zoe asks me, sounding concerned.

"Nothing, it's not a big deal," I say, even though I thought it was a big deal.

"Joe, come with me," Zoe says, pulling me into her and Alfie's room.

"What?" I say, slightly annoyed, because I'd rather be in my bed, curled up in a ball, swimming in my sorrows.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help here. Now tell me what's going on."

"Zoe, I told you it was nothing!" I tell her, raising my voice.

"Joe, just tell me. I'm trying to help you," Zoe tells me, and I could tell I was getting on her nerve.

"Fine, I had really wanted to ask Cora out-" Zoe cuts me off.

"Who's Cora?" She asks, with a confused expression on her face.

"The girl at the diner. Now just listen!" I say, wanting to just get this over with.

"Okay, okay. I'm listening."

"Well, I tried to ask her about four different times, but kept getting interrupted. Then, when I finally got the chance, I chickened out and asked her if she would go out with Caspar," I tell her, hating that I had to relive my terrible mistake.

"Oh, Joe. I'm sorry," she said to me, and I could see the sympathy in her eyes.

"What do I do?" I asked her, it felt somewhat weird going to Zoe for relationship advice, but I guess she knows what she's doing.

"Well Joe, I think that you should just maybe, try and be a gentleman," Zoe said to me.

"What'd you mean? I am a gentleman!" I say, probably a little too defensive.

"Joe! Come on, are you serious? Yeah, you can be a gentleman; I'm just saying be more  of a gentleman. You know what I mean?" She asks me, as she tucks her hair behind her ears.

"Yeah, I guess. I just don't know what to do, I feel like she hates me now. Oh my gosh! Zoe, what if she hates me!" I exclaim, running my hands through my hair nervously, as I pace around the room.

"Joe, I doubt that."

"Maybe, go do something with Caspar and Oli to get your mind off it," Zoe tells me, with a smile. She opens the door to my room and the three guys were just hanging out by the door.

"Did you get some good love advice from your big sister?" Caspar teases, he'll regret that decision later.

"Yeah, I did. I'd also like you to notice, how I asked for relationship advice from someone in a relationship, a.k.a not you," I tell him, I could tell he looked slightly embarrassed, so I just gently slapped his back.

"I'm joking, buddy," I say.

"Why do you have to be so mean?" Caspar starts to fake cry, as he makes his way over to Oli, and pretends to cry on his shoulder. Everyone laughed, and Zoe and Alfie headed back to their room for bed.

"Hey, I was wondering if you two would wanna go somewhere tomorrow?" I ask them, taking Zoe's advice into consideration.

"Like where?" Caspar asks, sounding intrigued.

"Well, where would you two wanna go?" I ask them, I'm afraid I'll make another bad decision.

"You know, I've always wanted to go to the Mall of America; that place seems fun." Caspar says, seeming excited.

"Alright, Mall of America it is then!" I say excitedly, before we all head to our beds.

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