Embarrassment and Excitement

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Cora P.O.V.

It was almost noon, when I woke up against my door. Oh yeah, I remember. I stood up, and stretched. I opened my door and Britta was asleep on the couch. I love when Britta comes to visit, I don't get to see her too often because she lives in New York. I grabbed a glass, and filled it to the brim with orange juice. I slowly sipped, when I remembered everything that happened. Everything that happened with Joe, our connection. I don't know how to feel anymore, I'm so confused. Although, the more I think of him, the more I convince myself I love him. I stood in the kitchen in a daze. Trying to figure out what to do. My imagination soon broke, when I heard a knock on the door. I stood there with complete shock, as to who was on the other side. I couldn't manage to get any words out for some reason. I just stood there awkwardly, staring into their eyes. I wasn't sure why I couldn't speak, I've spoken to this person briefly before.

"Hi," the man said, I nodded and gestured for him to come in. I was so not expecting this person at my house at 12:00, or ever for that matter.

"Hi," I replied so incredibly awkward, I wanted to facepalm, "Dan moment," I mumble under my breath, referring to Dan Howell.

"What?" He asked me, causing me to jump.

"Nothing," I say, louder than I meant to, I saw Britta start to move a little. I silently hope she wakes up, she would make this so much less awkward, or at least be awkward with me. I couldn't figure out why Caspar was here, and why I was acting so stupid!

"Okay, I was wondering-" Caspar tried to say something, but I interrupted him.

"If this is you asking me out, I'm sorry, but I can't. You're a nice guy, but I-" I said, realizing what a stupid decision that was.

"Oh, no, I'm not asking you out, sorry. I was wondering if Britta would like to go out sometime, but I see that she's not awake. So, I should probably go, nice talking to you," Caspar said standing up, getting ready to leave, when I grabbed his arm and demanded he stayed, for Britta's sake.

"No! You have to stay, um, I'll get her up, just please stay," I pleaded, as I slowly loosened my grip on his wrist. I gently shook Britta, I saw her eyes open slowly. I whispered in her ear, telling her what was going on. I don't think I've seen a human move as fast as she did then, she sat up in bed and quickly fixed herself up.

"Yes?" Britta asked, raising an eyebrow. Caspar asked her and she happily replied with a yes.

"Um, Caspar, I was just wondering if Joe's around today?" I asked shyly, hoping I wouldn't blush too much.

"Yeah, he is, why?" He asked me, and I panicked as I racked my brain for an answer.

"Uh, just curious," I say awkwardly. Caspar left shortly after. I sat on the couch next to Britta, and wondered why I'm the human being I am. My awkward, blushy self. I let out a sigh, and decided to actually get ready. I did everything I needed to, to get ready. I started to open the door, when I saw Aspyn come out of her room.

"Hey, Aspyn," I say, one hand on the doorknob.

"Where are you going?" She asked me with a dull expression on her face.

"Um, for a walk," I lie, as I slithered out the door, and made my way to the hotel Joe was staying in. When I got there, I could see so many girls lined up outside the hotel. I decided to walk up to one and ask her why she was here, even though I'm pretty sure I know. I tapped a short girl with brown hair, on the shoulders.

"Um, do you know why everyone's out here?" I ask her, she gave me this look that was like how do you not know? When she finally replied, she said, "I'm a sugglet, and so are all these people. Joe Sugg, is staying in this hotel!" I couldn't help but smile, when I saw all of the excited girls lined up to see Joe.

"Oh, is that was this is all about?" I question her, with a smile glued on my face.

"Yeah, and guess what? Joe and I are actually getting married!" The girl said to me, I could see her eyes light up. I just giggled and weaved my way inside. I stood in the lobby and I turned back to look at the girls. I smiled and thought to myself, I was exactly where she is right now, I was that little girl. And look where I am, about to go to Joe Sugg's hotel room. I am living my childhood dream!

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