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Cora P.O.V.

I got back to the apartment, after all that happened that night. I'm so conflicted, I love him and I also want to avoid him. I walked in the living room where Aspyn, Britta, and Sawyer were all sitting. I tried to walk into my room unnoticed, but that wasn't going to happen with Aspyn around.

"Cora! How was mystery man?" She asked me, with a grin and a twinkle in her eyes. I slowly turned around.

"Um, I guess it could've been worse," I reply, starting to leave.

"Wait! Come sit down, I wanna hear more about it. Who was he?" Aspyn ordered, as I reluctantly took a seat on the couch.

"Joe," I mumble.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. What did you say?" Aspyn asks me, making me want to disappear into the couch.

"Joe," I say a little louder, with my head sinking into my shoulders.

"Cora, just say it! Loud and proud!" Aspyn yelled unexpectedly, causing Britta who was absorbed into the television, to throw her popcorn.

"Joe!" I yell back, the three of them just stared at me with blank looks.

"Oh, how'd that go?" Aspyn asked, making me want to crawl to my room, and hide under my covers.

"It was fine... can I go now?" I ask, sounding like a child. Aspyn just looked at me, and I could practically see the millions of questions piled up in her brain for me.

"Um, can I get some more detail please?" She asked me. I groaned at the thought of having to answer her.

"What is there to know? I walked to the diner, then to whisper hill, and we talked. That was pretty much it," I state, leaving out the fact that we hugged, when I realized I was still wearing his jacket.

"Um, where'd you get that jacket?" She asked me, Aspyn had to ask the one question I didn't want to answer. The one question!

"Uh, nowhere," I lie, wanting to escape my friends game of twenty questions, me edition.

"Well, you didn't have it on when you left, so you had to have gotten it from somewhere," Aspyn said, as she walked closer to me to inspect the jacket.

"When did you become a detective Miss Aspyn?" I ask sarcastically, trying to get off the subject.

"Where did you get the jacket?" She asked, sounding almost upset that I wouldn't tell her.

"It doesn't matter!" I say harshly, I was getting fed up with being interrogated.

"I just want to know!" Aspyn replies, in the same tone as me.

"And I just want to go to my room! That's all I wanted to do from the minute I walked inside!" I yelled, I looked at Aspyn, she just looked annoyed with me. I walked to my room, and jumped on my bed dramatically. After a while, I heard voices. I sat by my door and listened.

"I'm going to tell you two something," Sawyer said, to Britta and Aspyn.

"Okay," the two said in sync.

"I actually knew it was Joe," he said, getting cut off by the surprised sounds Aspyn and Britta made.

"How?" Aspyn asked dumbfounded.

"I was at work, and Joe stopped in and asked if I could bring them here, because he didn't know where you lived," Sawyer admitted.

"I knew it! I fricken knew it Sawyer Heartman! I knew you were up to something!" I yelled through my bedroom door, which caused laughter in the other room, where the three were.

"Not funny!" I yell back, even though it was kinda funny. I went on youtube because I got bored, and I saw that Joe posted again, but it wasn't Sunday. I clicked on the video, and it was titled My Minnesota Trip! Joe had posted a vlog on his main channel. I watched the video, and he was videotaping outside the diner, and Whisper Park (not while I was there), and even at Mall of America. Crazy, I can't believe I didn't notice. At the end of the video he talked about how Sawyer lives here, and how he met some lovely people. And some really cool girls. My heart melted, as I watched his cheeks turn rosy when he talked about the really cool girls, who I assume is me, Aspyn, and Britta. I couldn't believe the things that have happened in the past couple days. I never imagined I would ever meet Joe, but I guess... people... fall in love... in mysterious ways.

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