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Cora P.O.V.

Before I knew it, Sunday had already come. I opened up a window, and let the warm air touch my face. I looked around the living room to see that Britta had fallen asleep on the couch. I turned my gaze to a clock sitting on the kitchen counter. The time read 10:30am. I tip-toed over to Britta, and gently shook her.

"Brit, what do you want to do for the rest of the time that you're here?" I asked, watching her eyes open painfully slowly. She looked at me bewildered, as if she didn't know where she was. Britta glanced around the room, then back up at me. She gained her bearings once more, and closed her eyes. I rolled my eyes in response, and shook her vigorously.

"What?" She asked me in an annoyed tone. She opened her eyes slightly, and yawned.

"What would you like to do for the rest of the time you're here?" I asked her sweetly, as I stood up and walked to the kitchen. She responded with a shrug. Thanks for being so specific as to where you would like to go! I thought to myself as I grabbed a cup from the cupboard that's almost to high for me to reach. I opened the fridge and grabbed a half gallon of vibrantly colored orange juice. I then poured the sweet juice into the cup, and headed back to the couch. I carefully handed my sleepy friend the glass of orange juice. Her eyes lit up as she grabbed the glass from my hand.

"Thanks," she said gleefully, as she slowly sipped the tart juice. She looked so peaceful drinking her juice. She finished her drink, and I swear it was like drinking a Red Bull for her. She had so much energy. I thought her head might spin right off her shoulders, although, to my relief, it only lasted a little while. I asked her one more time where she wanted to go, or what she wanted to do while she was here. Britta turned to look at me, and whispered a single word I almost couldn't make out.

"Caspar," she paused, I looked at her slightly confused. "I.. wanna... see... Caspar," Britta finished, staring at the door. I giggled at her wish, and nodded.

"Okay, I understand. Just know if you would like to go... oh I don't know, maybe shopping, we can totally do that," I said quickly, knowing Britta just doesn't like to shop. I thought she didn't even hear what I said, but I was mistaken.

"No!" Britta blurted out. I frowned in response. I threw my hands in the air as if to surrender. We walked out the door, and into the hallway,, when we both realized we hadn't gotten dressed yet; we were still in our jammies. Britta turned back to the door, and pulled me in. We both got dressed and ready, and strolled out the door looking fresh. I walked down the stairs to the parking lot, and found my car. Britta hopped into the passenger seat, and I took the wheel.

"To the hotel?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Britta yelled, punching the top of the car each time she said yes. She was so excited, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree even talking about Caspar. Her legs wouldn't stop moving, she was constantly tapping her foot. She had this stupid smile plastered on her face. I couldn't help but smile back. We finally arrived at the hotel, and I couldn't park the car fast enough. Britta tried and tried to open the locked door many times, before realizing and pulling the little nob up. She raced out of the car, and actually bumped into two girls on her way. I watched her plow through the children, when I heard her scream, "Outta my way!" I laughed so hard I fell to my knees. The girls she crashed into looked completely dumbfounded, and I don't blame them. It's not everyday you get attacked by a ravage fan girl. I quickly ran into the lobby to see Britta already in the elevator, holding the door open for me.

"Why thank you," I said stepping in the elevator. Britta pushed Caspar's floor number about a hundred times. We walked up to their door, and knocked. Oli answered the door, and gestured for us to come in. "Hi Oli, how are you?" I asked him, taking a seat on their couch.

"I've been good, thank you, and yourself?" He asked, as he shut the door behind Britta.

"Pretty good, thanks for asking. Is Joe or Caspar around?" I asked, to which Oli just nodded his head in Caspar's direction. He was sitting on the bed with headphones on, I don't think he even knows we're here. Britta crept up next to him, and lifted one side of his headphones off his ear.

"Hi Caspy," she said to him with a little wave. He replied happily, and moved the laptop off his lap, and stood up. Caspar held his arms out, suggesting her to hug him. Britta gracefully wrapped her arms around his torso. Caspar hugged her tightly, and then released. We talked to Caspar for a while, when someone walked through the door.

"That was a lot of fun, thanks for showing me around," someone said in a feminine voice. I was very confused, who was outside the door? What were they talking about? Who were they with? My mind instantly headed for the worst. I could feel my heart stop, when I saw Joe walk through the door with a girl; she was about 5' 6", had about ten tons of make up on. She was blonde with little bits of blue in her hair, it wasn't her body that stood out, or her makeup, but it was her eyes, they were extremely intense, yet calming. Her eyes were multiple shades of blues, her eyes had an outer rim of black, inside the black layer, it was the brightest blue I'd ever seen. To say her eyes were blue was like saying the sun was yellow. Sufficient, but not accurate enough to capture the burning. I could feel hot tears forming in my eyes. Joe looked at me surprised, and tried to speak.

"Cora, it's not what it looks like," Joe said grabbing my arm, I looked him dead in the eyes, and shook my head.

"I thought I knew you," I said painfully, before ripping my arm away from his grip. I quickly grabbed Britta by her arm, and pulled her away from Caspar. I felt bad doing that, but we can always come back, or Britta can go back.

"What's going on? Who was that? Why did you take me away from Caspy?" She asked me, really emphasizing that last question. I didn't answer, I just ran as fast as I possibly could. I ran through the lobby, and out to the car. I swung the car door open, and dropped myself inside.

"Get in," I said quietly, Britta stood outside the car, continuing to ask questions. I wasn't about to be interrogated by Britta. "Get in!" I ordered, no mercy in my voice. Her face fell, and she went quiet. I watched her slowly slip into the car. I pulled out of the parking lot, my vision blinded by tears. Britta started to open her mouth, I glared over at her, "I don't want to hear it Britta! No questions! No nothing!" I hissed, letting a tear escape, and roll down my cheek onto my lap. Britta closed her mouth, and turned forward. I could see a worried expression come across her face. It started raining, which I was completely okay with because it matched exactly how I felt. I found myself driving faster than planned, the roads became slippery, and the last thing I heard was Britta, and the sound of tires screeching against the wet, slippery road. Horns were blaring and I couldn't do anything.

"Cora! Watch out!" Britta screamed, as I tried to swerve away. The last thing I saw.. a giant truck coming right for us.

Living in a Dream - a Joe Sugg Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now