Sometimes Nervousness is Okay

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Cora P.O.V.

I stood in the lobby of the hotel Joe was staying in, I almost couldn't believe I was there. It was just five years ago when I found out who he was, I loved him so much! I am literally living my dream, I do not want to let this chance go. I was almost nervous, like what do I say when I get up there, what if he isn't even there. Oh man, was this a bad idea? I finally made my decision, and headed toward the elevator. There was no one in the elevator, except for me. I ran over what I was going to say to him in my head, over and over again. Once I reached his floor, I wanted to go home, and forget about this. I wanted to leave. I somehow found an ounce of courage that forced me up to the door. I knocked on the door so weakly, I wasn't sure anyone could hear it. That was when I heard footsteps, my feet were practically glued to the floor beneath me. The door cracked open, then opened fully.

"Hello," Joe said, seeming surprised I came.

"Hi," I said nervously. Joe gestured at me to come in, so I did. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous, but the longer I was with him, the more comfortable I felt.

"Um, what are you doing here?" He asked me, as he sat down on the couch.

"I, uh, just wanted to visit, I guess," I said sheepishly, sitting down next to Joe.

"Oh, okay," Joe said, he turned towards me slightly. I couldn't help but look into his mesmerizing eyes.

"So, where's everyone else?" I asked him.

"Oli went into town with Zoe and Alfie, and I believe Caspar was at your place, anyway, he was going to meet up with them later," he said to me.

"Oh, so, what are you doing today?" I asked him, he was looking down at his hands, but glanced up for a bit. I could see a sparkle in his eyes I didn't see before.

"Oh, just editing, other wise, uh, not much," he told me, he stood up and offered me something to drink, but I politely declined.

"I hope I'm not keeping you from working," I say a little embarrassed.

"Oh, no, no, you're fine! In fact, I'm glad you came, I always like company," he said rather quickly. I just smiled and talked with him. As I sat there with him, I slowly realized what was going on. I tried to keep in my fangirl, but not all my words stayed in.

"You're my favorite person," I whisper silently, I know he can't hear me, but I needed to say it.

"What?" He asked me, with an adorable head tilt. I immediately felt my cheeks fire up. I quickly yelled the word nothing. Joe laughed a little and I joined in.

Joe P.O.V.

When Cora came to the hotel, I was extremely surprised. I was glad she came. I hope I didn't look too stupidly happy. We talked and laughed, and I wouldn't trade that moment for the world. Seeing her laugh is amazing, I love seeing her happy.

"So, what else are you doing while you're here?" She asked me, I stared into her captivating brown eyes.

"Um, I don't know, whatever really," I said to her. Sometimes, I actually wonder if we'll end up together. Is that weird? I wonder if she thinks the same kind of thoughts.

"Uh, Joe?" Cora asked me, sounding a bit unsure.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying to make her feel comfortable.

"Now I don't know if this is weird to say, but I thought I might just say it," she told me, I could see she was wary of this decision.

"My mom always told me, 'Be patient. The best things happen unexpectedly.' I just feel like, that kind of happened when I met you at the diner, is this weird? I hope it doesn't sound weird," Cora said with regret in her voice.

"No, that's not weird. That's cool, and now that you say that, I see where you're going with that thought. I like that, it's a good little phrase," I say to her. I could feel our conversation coming to an end, we both stood up and walked to the door.

"Well, thank you for stopping by, it was a lot of fun talking to you," I say, as I gripped the doorknob, even though I didn't want her to leave.

"Yeah, of course. Uh, maybe tomorrow, you could come by my place?" She asked me, tilting her head slightly.

"Definitely," I say, as I turned the doorknob, and opened the door. I gave her a quick hug, and she left.

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