Ch 2 ➤ Meeting Demi lovato !

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Nick's POV:

 I nervously played with my hands and kept looking at Dawn and Dani who were sound asleep during our flight to Los Angels. I didn't tell them this and I wasn't exactly sure how to tell them that their own mother doesn't want them and doesn't even know that I found them.

Demi told me after she left rehab that she was raped when she was only eleven and gave birth to twin baby girls but she warned me that she never wanted to meet them she wanted to forget and move on but now that the news is about to come out she is forced to look back and remember them because she will live with them.

Dani already signed for the x-factor and tomorrow was her audition and since Demi is now a judge on x-factor , They will have to meet. Dani and Dawn can stay in Demi's house without the media suspecting anything since Dani is a contestant and Demi is a judge on X-factor but Demi still doesn't even now that. 

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Los Angeles. Please fasten your seatbelt, we will be landing in just a few moments."

I gently shook both Dawn and Dani to wake them up."Dawn, Dani, we're here. You need to put your seatbelt on." they both rubbed their eyes, yawned and buckled their seatbelt. both their hair seemed to be flying everywhere. They reminded me alot of Demi when she first woke up in the morning.

Dani and Dawn held on tight as the plane landed and we slowly made our way through everything, to find our taxi that will take us to my house. I know both Dawn and Dani's never been out of Miami and I wanted to show them the beautiful city. There will be plenty of time to go and see the city.

"Do you think she 'll like us?" Dani whispered to me as if she didn't want Dawn to hear with wide eyes on our way to the house.

"I gave her an encouraging smile. "Of course she will. she is your mother. You just have to understand that... because of the... situation. They might not seem happy."

Dani seemed to understand what the situation was as she nodded. I was so proud of her for being so mature and patient. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it as we approached my house. I wanted them to stay here for the night and tomorrow we can all go to Demi's.

" Where are we going to sleep ?" Dawn asked as she was still feeling sleepy.

" There is two rooms down this hallway , you can stay here for the night and tomorrow we can go to the audition " I stated as they said good night.

Dani's POV:

"Oh my god, I can't believe we will meet Demi lovato!" silently squealed Dawn, still in her bed. It was 5PM and I had about two hours. I couldn't believe it either. Just in a couple of hours, I'll be able to tell Demi what a huge inspiration she was for me and I absolutely need to tell her that I don't hate her for giving us up for adoption because we had a great life and if she didn't give us up we would have never met our dad.

I packed all my possessions since we were going to go to Demi's today. I had on black leggings, with a creme camisole, burgundy cardigan, and brown sandals. my hair was curled in and half up, half down style as for Dawn she  got dressed in a Blue Nike Shirt, White Skinny Jeans, And White LowTop Air Force Ones. she straightened my hair out and we both grabbed our phones, and  we walked downstairs grabbing our small suitcase.


I could barely contain my excitement. 2 hours before I audition in-front of Demi , Simon, Selena Gomez and Taylor swift. We were backstage waiting for our names to be called , I had Dawn by my side and Nick said that he needed to do something first and then he will come and meets us. I have no clue why though. For some reason I'm nervous! I notice Dawn is gone. I think she went to the restroom. Causing me to go look for her.
 The bathroom was farther away than I thought.

I see tons of crew members. Costumes, lights, instruments, extra instruments, and yes even more instruments.

But suddenly I hear something being spoken out of ones walkie talkie.
"Ms. Lovato is a wandering, coming down the hall right now"
Suddenly I hear high heal.

*click click click*

Next thing I felt is my heart jump. Could I really see my mom ?! I'm freaking out. Calm down Dani , she is just another human being. Calm down keep it cool. I close my eyes to put me in a spot where I can't see anything. My hearing also goes away. So I can hear faint speaking. But mostly my fast beating heart.

I suddenly open my eyes and there she is.Demi Lovato right in my face. She moves her lips, but I can't hear a sound she says. So I stop focusing on calming down, and focus on her face.

"Are you lost sweetie?" She says to me

I think she doesn't really know who I really am

"I-I'm looking for the b-bathroom" I say with more stutters than I've ever done in my life

" What's your name?" She asks politely

"Dani"  I add in complete starstruck

"Well you're on the right track just go down this hall and to the right , Dani" she chuckles and winks, as she looks down at my audition number, to see if I was in the right part of the arena.

"Yeah, I was looking for my sister" I speak truly

Suddenly I hear Dawn.
"Dani !"

" This is probably your sister calling you" Demi said

" Good luck in your audition" She said as she waved goodbye.

I walked into the audition room, my cold sweaty hands clutched together. I wasn't ... I didn't want to do this, I just wanted to prove her wrong, to show her I wasn't so worthless. I knew I had a birth mother somewhere in this world and I wanted to prove to her that I am going to be successful without her and she will regret giving both my sister and me but I didn't know I was going to prove it in-front of her.

"Are you ready for this?" asked Nick as we made our way backstage of the auditions. I excitedly nodded. We patiently waited as the judges took their seats,  Nick rubbed my back and Dawn was goofing around backstage with Dermot O'Leary.

"Okay Dani," said Dermot O'Leary, "you're up girl!"

"Go kill it!" said Dawn, winking.







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