Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to @dafukulookinatm8 - thanks for all the votes and comments :) + noticing all my panic refs (go read my Brendon Fic *wink wink* *selfpromo*)
Trigger warning: abusive relationship (nothing too extreme). Time for it to get Harley n Joker up in dis bitch

I try to fight him for the first few minutes, but afterwards I just give up. I guess all these years of playing tennis has worked out for him, as his arms are surprisingly strong, and can hold me in place as he explains what he wants me to do.

After my 'briefing' we head back to the manor, everything still processing in my brain. 'Well, at least now you know how you feel about him,' I think, almost laughing at the stupidity of it and how I fell for his nice guy act. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish he could've just turned out like his brother.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Dan, I'd just give up on the male species altogether. This is worse than... no, let's not think about him.

We head in from the back of the manor, Phil's grip on my hand tightening whenever he thinks I'm going to make a run for it, and his attitude immediately changes back into his happy-go-lucky personality when we're greeted by his mother, who leads us into the living room where everyone else is. My mother, Ciara, Derek, and some of his friends are all sat around a chess table, watching Derek play against one of the boys, and they all look up as Phil and I walk in, hand in hand. I notice Derek look at Ciara, and she turns away, her eyes ice as he bears a confused expression. He obviously doesn't know he was caught in the act last night.

I see Ciara raise her eyebrow, as if detecting how uncomfortable I am, and I'm thankful that she can read me, but unfortunately Phil clocks it too, and nudges me in the rib to indicate I need to "look happy"

I force a smile as he announces to the room: "Great news, guys! Kira and I are now a couple!" He smiles, and the only people who really react are the females of the room. Lady Lester and my mother both turn to each other and grin as if Christmas has come early, whereas Ciara looks at Derek, before smiling at me. I'm guessing she wants me to be happy, but that's considering she thinks this was my choice. Derek merely grunts and gets back to his chess game, as if 'couples' are overrated. To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if he truly thought that anyway.

"Oh, darling, that's wonderful!" Lady Lester says to him, approaching us, and I have to beam back at her for fear of being rude. My mother approaches me similarly, and I just stand there wishing it would be over already.

Eventually, Phil leads me over to the sofa Ciara is sat on, and I sit in-between them. After a minute of smiling politely, I see Ciara piece a few things together in her head, the longer she thinks the more her expression hardens.

I nod my head towards the door at Ciara, letting her know we need to talk, and she nods back. As I stand to leave, Phil yanks my arm, pulling me back down. "Where are you going, darling?" He says, playing up this whole 'couple' charade.
"I just need to use the restroom," He glares at me. "...darling." I finish through gritted teeth and he stops trying to kill me with the glare of his piercing blue eyes. He sees Ciara giving him a look of suspicion, and lets me go.  "Okay, be back soon," he says, stressing the last word as Ciara stares him down. If I was him, I'd be scared too.

We quietly make our way out of the room, and we go to ours to make sure he isn't eavesdropping. When we get in and close the door, I let out a sigh of relief and slide my back down the wall onto the floor, glad to finally have control over my actions, as Ciara sits on her bed opposite me.

"Look, I'm not trying to be rude, but, I'm your best friend and I know when something's up... What's Phil doing to you?! I saw how tightly he was 'holding your hand' and, cmon, if you were interested in him I would've known already." she explains.
"Thank goodness you noticed, I don't know if I would have been able to get away for ages if you hadn't tried to make his eyes bleed with yours."  I say, making her laugh for a second before she goes back to being serious.

"I wanna hear all of it. All of what happened. How you got into this mess. And be quick or who knows what he'll do," she says, and I hastily explain the tennis situation, from the right clothes to the rejection to the sudden change in personality.

"... and now I don't know what to do! Not to mention Da-..." I falter at the end, mentally slapping myself for letting that slip.

"Dude, do you think I'm thick? I was heartbroken last night, still am now. I didn't want you to stay awake for me, so I pretended to sleep, but I was awake. Through all of it, and from what I heard, Dan is an amazing guy," she says, grinning at my shocked expression.

"B-but how did you-"
"Of course I knew it was Dan, you thought I hadn't noticed your sudden interest in bushes? I knew you were still looking for him, you weren't over him... plus I heard you call him Dan so what are the odds it's the same one. I wanted to come out and meet him but you made him run off," She explains, and I learn she's more clued up than I ever give her credit for. Once again, I find myself explaining everything to her about how I saw him in the middle of my dance with Phil, and the time we spent together, and then how he told me to 'look for the signs'. I also fill her in on the kitchen escapade with Phil, where he tricked me into thinking he's a bundle of sunshine, and show her the marks on my skin from where he gripped me too tightly, and locked me in position this morning so I couldn't move.

"You can't do this on your own, okay, you need my help. No more secrets." she says, and I nod.

"No more secrets," I agree.

"This is so fucked up, dude. Ugh, the longer I stay here the more I'm hating the Lesters." She thinks out loud, and I remember something quite important.

"Oh yeah, one more thing I need to tell you."

"Oh boy, what is it?"

"... Dan's a Howell."

Her jaw drops in shock and I find her laughing at the complication of it all. "You really are in one heck of a situation," she sighs.

I go to sit next to her and she hugs me, we're too focused on being closer friends again that we barely notice the sound of polished shoes on marble stairs slowly becoming louder, so it's the sharp rapping on the door that startles us and makes us jump.

"Kira! It's been half an hour, come out or you'll wish you never pulled this 'restroom' stunt!" I recognise the voice immediately.

It's Phil. And he's not happy.

A/N: I'm really sorry I had to make Phil evil, I couldn't have this turn into Twilight with two guys fighting over her. Plus, I don't think I'd be able to keep this all lovey 100% of the time with Dan AND Phil, I just went through a breakup and now love hurts me ow so Phil's evil is a bit of a relief.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and btw I love Phil so much irl, I have nothing negative towards him, his character is simply for the storyline #phillion #phannie #dangirl >•<

I'm cringing so hard

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