Chapter 12

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Thankfully, Ciara has managed to compose herself by the time we put our heads down to sleep, I think after she took a deep breath and washed her face it acted as a reset.

After a few minutes I can hear the soft sound of her snores, but I lay awake, barely tired. How do people manage to fall asleep a few seconds after they shut their eyes?

I feel a gentle breeze coming from my left, and I finally notice the balcony. Before I think about what I'm even doing, I find myself getting out of bed and walking over to the balcony, making sure to not wake Ciara as I pass through the sheer curtains leading out into a small patch of the night.

I look out into the night sky, pondering on how I've landed myself in this mess, and I can hear the music coming from around the side of the grand house, where I'm assuming the party is still going on.

"Dan... Dan Howell..." I speak out loud to myself as I trace my finger over the marble works of the balcony. "What's in a name? What's the meaning of a Howell? You could call a jewel by any other name and yet it would still sparkle in the same elegance. That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." I explain to the stars, wishing they could respond and tell me what to do.

"Oh, Dan... I know you're close, but is close the closest star? You feel twice as far..." I think aloud, almost having a heart attack when I hear a shuffle coming from beneath the balcony.

My heart beating at an alarming rate, I pick up whatever's closest to me - a houseplant - and approach the left side of the balustrade to the source of the increasing rustling coming from the vines adorning the walls.

When I see its Dan, I let out the biggest sigh of relief I can muster, followed by my heart beginning to speed up again at the sight of him, even in this poor light.

"Maybe not so far after all," he says when he has a good grip on the vine, and even though all the shadows are cast over his face, I can still see the everlasting twinkle in his eye and his grin through the darkness.

"Dan? How did you know I was here? Not that I'm displeased to see you but what're you doing? What if you're seen?!" I half whisper-half speak, remembering Ciara asleep in the room next to us.

"Relax, beautiful," he begins and I blush, "I was actually trying to get away from the crowd, and then I recognised your voice and saw how strong the vines are leading up to you and what better to do than climb up and see you again? You might wanna put that houseplant down by the way, I hear your Phillip is quite fond of them." He explains, raising his eyebrow at the mention of Phil to check my reaction, and I feel embarrassed after not realising I was still brandishing my deadly weapon of the plant while talking to him.

I put it down while he climbs up into the actual balcony and think of diverting from the topic, but then I recall in my head what he said. "Wait, he's not 'my Phillip'" I say, giving him a look to question what he's trying to suggest.

"Oh really? Because Joe said he saw you running off to the kitchens with him." He says indifferently, leaning against the marble casually as if we were discussing the weather.

"Come on, Dan, you know my mum is trying to set us up. Lady Lester told him to take me, I was feeling dizzy." I explain, wondering if it counts as a lie because I hadn't exactly been dizzy.

He grumbles at the half-hearted excuse as he faces the ground beneath us, and I lace my fingers with his, earning eye contact. "Dan, I had only met you once. Yet you were so important to me that, once I even thought I saw you at this party, my mind was compelling me to run after you. And I didn't only run after you, I ran away from Phil. No warning, no explanation as to where I was going, I pulled myself away from him and followed you. Followed my heart. In front of Lady Lester and my mother." I tell him, and hope he knows I do care for him a whole lot.

"And for that, I am grateful" he whispers, pressing our foreheads together as he stares into my eyes for what seems like the millionth time, his eyes darting down to my lips every so often.

"You know, I really wish we could finish what we started before we were interrupted by Joe..." He begins to whisper in my ear, switching from romance to seduction in a split second.

"Maybe I can make your wish come true," I whisper back as he bites his lip and I back him up against the side of the balcony. I lean in to kiss him when I hear a raspy voice from inside. Ciara. Fuck.

"Kira... are you out there?" She asks, and I can hear her approaching the balcony, Dan and I exchanging the same look of 'Oh fuck' as he hastily climbs back over the balustrade, sliding down the vines.

"Wait when will I see you again?" I whisper-shout down, leaning dangerously across.

"Alas, I can't stay in enemy territory for any longer. It's too risky!"

"Kira?... I'm coming one sec I need some fresh air too.."

"What?! How will I see you? How will I reach you?" I say, checking over my shoulder once again. Ciara was seconds away from catching me.

"Look for the signs!" he yells up as she walks through the curtain and he runs off, leaving me confused and without hope. 'Look for the signs?' What was that supposed to mean? Look where? What signs? Signs of what?

I have no time to try and figure out the answers though, because Ciara has already started a conversation and I need to concentrate.

Just like that, he was here.

Just like that, he was gone.

Just like that, I've fallen in love with danger.

A/N: sorry for the shitty chapter, I just had to include The Balcony Scene with some of the dialogue + a tøp lyric because why not. Iconic. Thanks for reading if you've made it this far. I love all of you, by reading you're literally helping my dreams come true of writing for an audience. Thank you so much 💕❤️

The Criminal's Eyes - Daniel HowellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora