Chapter 12- I Know How You Feel

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3:01AM 1/6/17

A small amount of blood splatters onto my face, as a bullet shoots through my enemies forehead. The officer falls to the ground beside me, revealing Ryan, a pistol in hand. He automatically helps me up, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I was so slow." He mutters.

He sounds so shaken up. Poor guy.

"It's okay I'm okay... But Ry, you just killed an officer. Are you okay?" I ask with concern.

I feel a few drops of something wet on the back of my neck and I'm confused until I realize what it is. He's crying.

"I worked with him before. H-he was my best friend ever since I could remember. I killed him." He sobs, holding onto me tightly.

I feel horrible.

"I'm so sorry Ry. I'm so fucking sorry. I know what it's like and it's the worst feeling in the world. I know that. And I'm sorry but we need to leave." I say pulling away from him.

I stare into his glossy emerald eyes, my own continuing to hold a sad look. Few tears still fall from his eyes and I wipe them away. I slowly lean in, kissing his lips. He kisses back, this only lasting a few seconds before I pull away.

"We need to go, Ry." I say a bit quietly.

He nods, "Okay."

I take his hand in mine and we quickly walk back to the house, finding dead cops all around and our own team standing by, finishing up. I see one of the cars ready, almost filled all the way up. That's the car that will hold most of our things, Chris and Ange will ride in it. The other car will hold the rest of our stuff in the trunk and the rest of us will be seated in there. Angelo, Devin, and Megan come out carrying a few boxes, putting them in the trunk of the second car. I quickly treat Ryan and I's wounds to the best of my ability. After everyone finishes up their business, we all get into the cars. I sit in Ryan's lap hugging him because I know the amount of pain he's in. He buries his head in my neck and I rest my chin on his shoulder. Oh how this man has changed me. But I guess I'm okay with it. That's only because I can feel myself falling for him.

And I think I might be okay with that, too.


Word Count: 491 words!
Sup okay so lol I lied to you all, I said I would update and I didn't, I'm horrible whoops. Also sorry if I don't update that much on some stories, I have a lot to focus on lol and plus I happened to start hell- I mean school on Thursday so fuck my life. But yeah sorry this is so short. Xx
Signing off.

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