Chapter 7- Pity Fucks And Tongue Piercings

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2:03AM 12/26/16

I drag Ryan along by our connected wrists, him stumbling along with me. We finally make it to the van and I pull him in and buckle his seat belt, closing the door. I undo our handcuffs and they drop to the floor. His head rolls back and he giggles.

"What's so funny?" I question.

"That was loud." He slurs while still giggling.

I roll my eyes. If you haven't noticed yet, he's completely fucking wasted. Surprisingly, Ryans the only one who is that drunk, Ghost being a bit tipsy but otherwise we're all sober. Sams only sober though because her drunken state wore off after I took away the booze at around 12:00AM and gave her some iced coffee. Megan is driving and Sam is sitting next to her in the passenger seat. Angelo is asleep in Chris' lap and Devin is slowly becoming more sober but we still won't let him behind the wheel. They're all sitting/laying in the middle seats. Me and Ryan are sitting in the back and I'm trying to contain him. It's not working very well. I start thinking. I'm getting sick of myself. I'm starting to look a little boring. I want something new... I would get a tattoo but I can't obviously... Well maybe Ryan-Ashley can help me.. I'll think more about that later. I start thinking again. Maybe a new piercing? I mean, I can do them on myself. Maybe... Eyebrow? Septum? Belly button? Then it suddenly pops into my head: a tongue piercing. I'll get that. I just have to ask Sam to get me the jewelry. I have the clamps and the needles. I mean, it's not like I haven't pierced my tongue before, because I have. I pierced it as soon as I got out of jail. Ryan-Ashley gave me the supplies from her shop. I took the piercing out though. Well it's not like I actually had a choice. I ripped it out. On accident obviously. It ripped a decent sized hole in my tongue and trust me, that was not fun. With all this thinking, I've barely realized that we arrived at home.

Everyone gets out of the car(Chris carrying Ange) except for Devin. I hook mine and Ryan's handcuffs back up and look to Devin.

"Are you sober enough to walk your ass inside?" I ask him.

He nods and gets out leaving just me and Ryan. Ryan slides me closer to him and starts kissing and sucking on my neck. I put my one free hand on his chest to try and push him away but it doesn't work. My arm feels useless, and it obviously doesn't want to actually do what I want it to. My eyes flutter shut for a second and I bite my lip when he starts sucking on my sweet spot.

"Mmm Ryan.. Not now... You're drunk..." I mumble to him, once again trying to push him away but my arm feels like jelly.

"No I'm not.." He mumbles against my skin.

"Y-yes you are Ry.." I respond.

"But I'm horny." He groans as his teeth graze against my neck.

"T-then go sober up and f-fuck Ghost." I stutter.

"But I want you." He growls, sliding his hand high on my thigh.

"R-Ryan.. Please stop." I mutter.

He sighs and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, lowering his hand. I sigh in relief and just stare ahead of me for a second.

"Let's get inside.." I mumble.

He nods, taking his face out of my neck and we manage our way out of the van, soon enough making it inside. I slip the key out of my pocket and undo the cuffs, rubbing my one wrist a bit. I look to Ryan to see him staring at me sadly. What did he expect? He's drunk and I clearly stated earlier that I didn't like that stuff. I'd be surprised if I were him, that he didn't get rejected right away.

"Come on." I say, dragging him to the kitchen.

I fix him a cup of coffee and leave him there to put what he likes in it. I walk back to my room and hook up everything with my guitar and start playing an original song. About twenty minutes later into my jam session- I guess is what it would be called -I start hearing loud moans.

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