"Aw, it's cute you think so." Perrie said, faking sympathy.

"Guys, they're here." Jesy said, walking up to them.

Louis turned and looked, seeing Zayn and Harrie approaching.

"Well well-"

"Shut up." Perrie interrupted Louis, ignoring the look he gave her and smiling at Harrie.

"Hey guys, you didn't get lost on the way or anything did you?" She asked.

"No, she took forever to get ready." Zayn said, looking at Harrie.

"It wasn't my fault." Harrie said, folding her arms.

"Are you guys ready to go run around like idiots?" Jade asked excitedly.

"I really want to ride the Ferris wheel before we leave." Leigh-Anne said.

"Me too. And that thing that makes you want to vomit." Perrie grinned.

"Charming." Louis commented, giving her another look.

"Well let's go." Liam chuckled.

They all walked around and rode rides, tried different food, and played games until long after the sun went down.

To Harry, everything was even prettier at night.

As the group began to get tired, they all stopped for drinks and one last snack.

Harry and Jade went to get cotton candy while everyone else stood nearby getting other foods and drink.

"Good evening ladies." The boy selling cotton candy smiled at Jade and Harry.

"Hi." Jade chirped.

"Just one each?" He asked, starting the machine.

"I prefer six but I think one is more healthy." Harry said, making Jade laugh.

"I can spin six for you. I'd be glad to." The boy smiled, exposing a dimple in his left cheek.

He had skin a shade darker than Leigh-Anne's, and capturing light blue eyes.

His dark hair was mostly hidden under a beanie, and in the light they were under Harry could see a group of freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose.

"No, I don't need six. One is fine." Harry smiled, looking away from his gaze.

"Well, they're on the house." The boy told them.

"Really?" Jade asked, glancing at Harrie to see if she heard him too.

"Yeah, you two are my last customers. Then I'm free for the night. Not sure what I'm going to do with that freedom, but it's nice to have it." He said, handing them their cotton candy after he made it.

"Thank you." Harry said.

"Why don't you come hang out with us? I'm Jade, by the way, and this is Harrie." She said to him.

Harry was too busy eating to respond, but hummed a little.

He smiled, coming around the booth. "I'm Jay. Is it just you two hanging out tonight?"

Harry looked at him, surprised by how tall he was.

He was the first bloke Harry met that was his age but taller than him.

Harry liked feeling short for a change.

Maybe a little too much.

"Oh, no, we have a whole group. You're welcome to join us if you want." Jade smiled politely.

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