Chapter 23

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Dedicated to short_stuff01.


A news reporter began to speak, "I'm Lauren Hilton here, live in a local neighborhood in Waukegan, Illinois where a group of teens were caught trespassing on private property. A brawl broke out between the teens, leading to vandalism of the property. The trespassers go by the names of Steven Weston, Tyler Teagan, Drake Johnson, ........"

"Steven here I come. Again."

"Oh, and Tyler and Drake, too."

Stupid STD gang.


Chaper 23


I brought the hood of my convertible down and threw on my sunglassses. I was going to drive up north in style. I reversed out of the driveway and sped away.

~1 hour later~

The most important thing to do before driving is to put on your seatbelt. Some idiots forget. Maybe that explains why I was pulled over to the curb by the police just now just as I was a few bllocks away from Waukegan's police station.


I rolled down the window as a YOUNG police officer approached my door. Awesome, he's young! Just my luck. I looked down at my outfit. Perfect, I was wearing a low-cut shirt, too.

"Hello, Mr. Police Officer," I greeted him with a flashy smile.

He had to be in his early twenties and he was good-looking. I swore his eyes just raked down my body in satisfaction. "Hello, Miss. Are you aware why you got pulled over?"

"No," I squinted at his name tag, "Officer John. But I'm glad you pulled me over," I winked at him.

Lust filled his eyes. "Errrr, Ma'am, you don't have your seatbelt on," he pointed.

"Oh, that's because I just unbuckled it," I stated matter-of-factly. "It wasn't set right, so it constricted my boobs and I couldn't breathe."

Officer John's eyes flickered down to my shirt where I purposely made a lot of cleavage show. "Oh, I understand, Ma'am. But I need to see your license and registration please," he ordered in a husky voice.

"Uh, sure," I handed them over to him and my hand brushed against his. I watched in the rearview mirror as he walked back to his cruiser with a hint of a tent building in front of his pants. I smiled with accomplishment. Men are too easy.

He came back to me with a smile and handed me my stuff. "Everything seems clean on your side. I won't give you a ticket, but I'll let you off with a warning."

"Thanks so so so much, John!" I cried happily.

He seemed proud. "Maybe I can make you happier by taking you out on a date."

"Um," I put my car in drive. "Sorry, but I'm going to get my man right now." And I left him standing there.

Soon in a few seconds, I was parking my car in front of the poilce station. I grabbed my stuff and got out of my car. My eyes widened in surprise as I caught sight of a crowd of newsreporters in front of the station. Shit.

Lost in the crowd, I began to do the New-Yorker style way of getting through a crowd: pushing agressively and rudely. (AN: any New Yorkers reading, don't be offended. I'm a New Yorker too :DTake pride in that.)

After 4896347836925662945879 years, I finally made it to the front desk.

"Good day, miss. How may I help you?" an officer, Bob, at the desk asked me.

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