Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to My Fans ;D

 I heard lightening and thunder! Ahhhh, shit!!! 14 is too young a age to die! D;

Oh health warning: Don't eat or drink anything while reading this chapter. You may choke and die. Your health is at your risk. And I'm not, repeat not, going to drag any dead bodies to the woods to bury. Mad work, people. -_-

Song of the chapter: Milkshake (rock remix) by Goodnight Nurse

Pic of Tyler --->



I chuckled to myself as I walked up the stairs. As approached the hall's end, I stopped in front of the door there. My eyes widened from what I heard on the other side:

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, oh yeah, baby!"

Is he having--- nah. He's probably just watching some p0rn. Maybe I should embarrass him. Yeah, I'll do that.

I put my hand on the door knob and turned. As I opened the door, I sang, "Ohhhhhh, Steeeven--- OHMYGOD!!!"

Who I assumed to be Steven was naked and hovering over a naked girl, who looked like a slut. I don't know why, she just looked like a slut and I don't like her already, period. They were on his bed and he was preparing to go into her again, but they froze when they heard me. I froze, too, and I don't know why I didn't move.

Expecting a shocked expression from him, I closed my eyes and prepared myself. I opened them to see Steven's face and him looking at me. Losing my breath snapped me out of my frozen state. I ran out of the room, yelled an apology, and slammed the door shut. I slid down against the door.

I just walked in on the most hottest guy I've ever seen in my life screwing someone.


 (not editted)

Chapter 14


After walking down the stairs in shock, I finally reached the kitchen.

"I heard you scream up there. Did someone r@pe you?" Tyler asked concerned.

"And you decide to ask me that a few mintues after you heard me scream? You didn't even bother to check to see if I was okay? Gee, I feel the love," I replied sarcastically.

"Hey, I thought you might of enjoyed it," he defended himself.

"Then it's not r@pe if you like it," I pointed out.

He grinned evilly. "So you liked it?"

I blurted out, "I didn't get raped. I walked into Steven having sex."

Tyler eyes widened and he started to guffaw. "What?! You did what? Ahahahahahaha, oh shit."

He ran upstairs at full speed. I heard a door open, girly screaming, and Tyler yelling, "Man, you're having sex in here?! Victoria was right! Where the hell is my video camera? I need some money right now."

"What the fuck, Tyler? Leave!" Steven shouted. The door was slammed and Tyler was trotting down the stairs with a huge smirk on his face.

I fell onto the ground laughing. "I can't believe you did that! You're unbelievable, Tyler!"

"Ahahahahaha, that's what they all tell me. Now are you gonna get your laughing ass up so we can eat?"

I sobered up quickly. "Pepperoni please," I gave him a cheeky smile. "Hey, where is Drake?"

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